Title: Durarara!! (デュラララ!!)
Author: Ryohgo Narita
Genre: Action, Comedy, Supernatural, RomanceEpisodes: 24
The series is about a Dullahan working as an underworld courier in Ikebukuro, Japan, an internet-based anonymous gang called "Dollars",
and the chaos that unfolds around the most dangerous people in Ikebukuro.
Ryuugamine Mikado is a boy who longs for an exciting life of the big city.
At the invitation of his childhood friend Kida Masaomi, he transfers to a
school in Ikebukuro. Masaomi has warned him about people he doesn't
want to cross in the city. On his first day in Ikebukuro, Mikado witnesses
an urban legend called the "Headless Rider" who rides on a black motorcycle
without headlights that doesn't make noise. From then on, the existence of
supernatural cases and gangs started appearing.
supernatural cases and gangs started appearing.
-left to right-
Ayahi Takagaki, Jun Fukuyama, Daisuke Ono, Yūichi Nakamura, Yuki Kaji,
Hiroshi Kamiya, Toshiyuki Toyonaga, Kana Hanazawa, Mamoru Miyano
-Durarara Cast!! minus Miyuki Sawashiro-
-Main Protagonist-

Ryūgamine Mikado (竜ヶ峰 帝人)
Celty Sturluson (セルティ・ストゥルルソン)
Main Characters-
Mikado Ryugamine voiced by Toshiyuki Toyonaga
Celty Sturluson voiced by Miyuki Sawashiro
Kida Masaomi voice by Mamoru Miyano
Anri Sonohara voiced by Kana Hanazawa
Izaya Orihara voiced by Hiroshi Kamiya
Shizou Heiwajima voiced by Daisuke Ono
Shinra Kishitani voice by Jun Fukuyama
Suporting Characters-
Simon Breznev voiced by Takaya Kuroda
Namie Yagiri voiced by Sanae Kobayashi
Kyohei Kadota voice by Yuichi Nakamura
Walker Yumasaki voiced by Yuki Kaji
Erika Karisawa voiced by Ayahi Takagaki
Saburo Togusa voiced by Takuma Terashima
Seiji Yagiri voiced by Kazuma Horie
Mika Harima voice by Mariya Ise
Shingen Kishitani voiced by Akio Otsuka
*First Impression*
Well, Everybody has a first impression about new things and new happenings.
My first Impression to Durarara is like mine when I saw the new Zodiac Sign Chart-
It's not clear and very disappointing! Well, DRRR is not disappointing so let's
just remove that word~ It's just the first episode, It's not so clear and I'm not
interested on watching dull animes that time. I'm kinda stuck on loving Hetalia
so much eh muhahah!!! Lol I give it a try when it's still airing but -I dunno-
I find myself lacking that time lolz!!
After watching Durarara's first episode(which haven't finished yet*that time*)
I keep on seeing these lines in my friends status in fb....
just remove that word~ It's just the first episode, It's not so clear and I'm not
interested on watching dull animes that time. I'm kinda stuck on loving Hetalia
so much eh muhahah!!! Lol I give it a try when it's still airing but -I dunno-
I find myself lacking that time lolz!!
After watching Durarara's first episode(which haven't finished yet*that time*)
I keep on seeing these lines in my friends status in fb....
"Durarara ep 12...... IZAYA!!!!!!!!"
"I'm gonna make a Durarara AMV"
Well, that sounds a bit spoiler but as you can see~ She really loves Shizou♥
so much XD When I started talking to her about the anime and my impression to it-
Hahaha~ Yeah! what line do you expect to hear from a fan of the anime!?
HER: It's an Awesome anime!! ME: Yeah! I see that but I cant stand the emoness
of it xox I tried to watch the first ep D: but ugh- I really cant!! (T _ T)
(The 1st ep of durarara is a bit emotional because of some suicidal attempts lolz C:
but I learn that the 1st episode is somehow their prologue.... )
HER: Don't judge the first episode immediately D: ME: ah- I'm sorry but I think I still
need to freshen up my mind first- *cries* I'm sorry for being such a dimwitted today.
Few months Later.... -DRRR finished airing!!-
These are my stat look like~ "I'm watching DRRR!! while reading the manga of it *^o^*
I can't imagine I fall for this--- LOL!" "OMG!! Shinra your the best =♥o♥=" -know it all-
Hahaha after re-watching the first episode with some sincere feelings.. I'd become a
MON**** LOL!! I just become a fangirl again -whooo!! of course!!- (laughs)
Coz DRRR!! got some serious smexy guys y,know (▽∀▽*) mMmMmm~
Well, if I'm the one to ask- I want a second season!! I'm not contented in the ending Ahhhh!!!
The ending is okay but I just find it--------- AMP!! I really need Season 2 (laughs)
-Durarara!! Moments-

Current Location: Somewhere out there..
Current Mood:
Current Music: Complication