Friday, July 22, 2011

I'm no match for you

I'm so sorry, I'm truly busy for other things these days ToT I was caught off guard by projects, assigns and reviews as well as been doing part time job. ugh- my powers is not enough to break this grating. Speaking of strength~ lately I'm feeling so fine and now I'm having flu *sneeze* uh It's kinda On and Off. Days are really different now huh?!

 Yeah, sometimes reasons can't be that clear. Well- hope you good luck and good health (wish for me too!) *~* 
I might come back before your next visit! Apologies to your mother. 

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

I just missed your heart.

looks like this girl found her enemy (lol) I wouldn't make such weird face without a reason.
Well, my eyebrows are so high~ maybe the reason is I'm looking at the mirror and I found a
model raising her eyebrows on me! just who the heck is she?! Huh? seriously.. truth is
I am
reading the new bulletin here XD I don't even know why my face turned into something like that!?

I've been lost- very losssst these days~ so yeah! 
Some of the other exciting news I've been in the past few weeks 
since I lost right communication! I drink two glasses of water per hour 
(beat the one glass per hour record) and I watch an anime 
with eleven episodes straight..  we are talking about straight things here
coz if it's not straight we might as well call it a curve  
gosh! that really gives me goose-pimples!! 
And thus- here we are in the most horrible day of the month, 
the horror of menstrual cramps are driving me crazy~ (no pun intended)  
I panic like everyone else ohhshhshh~ Ok I'll stop...(@□@;)
Speaking of girl things~ I saw some really nice tip for skin cares
and for the record I've been liking girly stuffs despite of me being an amars theses days.

Oh see~ you can find so much things in the net, (hahaha) and also 
I'm gonna be posting some of my interest and other random stuffs
in my very own "SOUP" web!! So.. when there are days that 
I'm not here posting- you'll probably can still see me in my soup, 
coz it's very easy to post crazy things in there. (laughs) 
So~ Please check it out!! ♥ I have to smile =D zZZZzzzZzzZZZzzzZzZzzz!

                                                                                            -- I seriously don't wanna xoxo you
                                                                                                                    Ryo (^_−)−☆
                                                                                                just kidding~

Friday, July 1, 2011

MODEL behavior



(stay still~)

(Pwned the sullen moment XD)

(happy feet LOL)

My sister and I- are trying to destroy the camera by taking our photographs
Our SLR cam is kinda brand new at that moment, (* θεθ *) We are just
testing his eyes.. Well, he produces nice and clean photos so that's a good news!!
Hahaha~ Looking forward ♪ Ja ne~ (´・ω・