Monday, July 30, 2012

Beyond the Clouds, the Promised Place.

Title: The Place Promised in Our Early Days (雲のむこう、約束の場所)
Directed by: Makoto Shinkai (新海 誠)
Author: Makoto Shinkai
Genre: Seinen, Drama, Romance, Military, Sci-Fi, Coming of Age
Run Time: 91 minuets


In an alternate history of the aftermath of World War II, Japan has been cleaved in half,
with the south (Honshu and the other Islands) allied with the United States and the
northern Island Hokkaido annexed by the enigmatic union. It was on Hokkaido
that a mysterious tower had been built, a strand of metal reaching up out
of the atmosphere. The mysterious tower could clearly be seen from
Aomori (the northernmost prefecture of Honshu) across Tsugaru Strait.
In 1996, three teenagers, Hiroki, Takuya, and Sayuri, teamed up;
They will find a way to safely travel to Hokkaido and unlock
the secrets of the tower. Their dream was never realized,
because Sayuri was sent to Tokyo for treatment after
she began experiencing sleeping sickness. It is now
three years later, The rosy illusions of youth have
fallen away, but not the unbreakable strength
of the trio's promise . . .

Starring . . .

Hiroki Fujisawa voiced by Hidetaka Yoshioka
Sayuri Sawatari voiced by Yuuka Nanri
Takuya Shirakawa voiced by Masato Hagiwara
Okabe-san voiced by Unsho Ishizuka

The Place Promised in Our Early Days will probably my best Shinkai film! 
Of course- without saying.. Shinkai is a great film maker, animator, writer, 
director, graphic designer, and many more XD The art and animation are 
all superb but most of all~ the story itself is genius. The movie has a great 
balance of its own and it was exceptionally well done! The first Shinkai film 
I've watch was 5 centimeter per second, and we all know (the pips who 
already watched it) it is a big disappointment (for me tho)~ because of the hopeless 
parting (A makoto shinkai trade mark they say.) at the end of the film /: 
On the other hand, I've been planning for a long time to see Promised Place 
but as usual I don't have time. (meh =.=) But as always.. (Hahahah) God is 
on my favor ;3 that is why I've managed to see it with my sis (at last) ^o^ 
Shockingly, The epic film was totally reverse of 5cm per sec! It was smart-ass 
film and the characters are all lovable, especially the heroine. Sayuri was so 
laid back and a very levelheaded person, that is why i like her! ^w^ The 
awesome blending of science and tears are super well matched in this show XD 
I'm glad that even it has a great amount of fiction~ they've still manage to 
show the simple/harsh life of people in laid back places \m/ Of course 
action is also needed for dramatic entrances/endings of movie, tho I felt like 
the action scenes are kinda few ^^" The most awaited part of the movie was 
anti-climatic too ;P lack of suspense I must say but still! that is just a simple 
flaw of the movie it's still osm in many ways! ^w^ 
Anyways~! It's a good watch all in all :3 
I'm tellin' ya, genius is genius! PHYSICS FTW! \♥/

Screenshots from the film

meh =,= sorry~  Fugleh review as always. . . 
But I hope you like it :P Peace out!