Hello people of the world! Here i am got betrayed by the time again as i grow another year older. D :
I had my birthday party last Nov. 15, and as usual. . this is a super late post again. Hahaha!
For me this year's celebration of my b-day should be extremely special in the sense that i have
to have feels about it since my 18th birthday last year was ultra dumb bc i'm in the hospital~
dying and awfully sick (well, im not really exaggerating in this part because im serious and just
telling you guys the truth). But my b-day this year turned out a bit opposite of my wish =_=''
There is nothing really special at all and i don't have any 'after birthday feels' and the likes of that..
I'm just truly thankful that i didn't end up being in the hospital again *sigh of relief* And another
and probably the only thing that i can be proud of having my birthday on Nov. 15 is, my fave
bands (POP ETC and Galileo Galilei) had an amazing collaboration on the same day and i'm just
so happy because they tweet things like they are really looking forward for tomorrow and keep
putting a gift emoticon at the end of their sentence and stuffs like that. Hahah! so sorry~
i'm just a huge fan ; D even though their live perf. happened far away from my place, i am still
and will forever be happy to express my unconditional love. LOL!
Although everything came so boring and all here. . My mom still cooked so many food for me, yay!
My family, cousins and friends ransacked my place again. Hahaha! Even though i was sort of not
contented.. my family still surprised me for their little treat and it was amazing and delicious! It was
nothing but a plain celebration of being thankful for another life extension..
Alas, i am so happy to be alive!
Birthday message : For all these years i experience sadness and happiness.
Thank you so much up until now..
Thank You, God.
Truly, thank you.
[ I played Galileo Galilei's Birthday song all day on my special day ]
↓↓ Enjoy this version guys! !! ↓↓