Friday, April 30, 2010

Gilbert Beilschmidt

This is why Prussia is not always around..

Atsushi Kousaka Prussia's voice actor..

I think in the near future Prussia
will show his awesomeness in the
episode.. Prussia fans out there chill out!
Hope there is Prussia Hungary scene
because i ♥ them when they're together..

Atsushi also voiced Estonia and Greece..

*It's not obvious that Gilbert really loves
music ahah! I think his hobby is composing
songs.. ^o^
It's okay i really love his songs even if its
off note ahahah! Hey! It's difficult to make
a song like that..

Back then I'm a Classical Girl but Prussia
converted me to a Rock Chick!

LOL from Austria to Prussia!
Note that!

I ♥ Prussia Rock On >o<

☆demon update from Ryo
☆'m off~ ..

Charm Point

How to grow the kind of long eyelashes...

I really don't know either lol!
when i was a kid i cut my eyelashes
i don't know if that's the reason..

I don't know if my eyelashes are
long when i was a kid
because that time i really don't care
if my eyelashes are beautiful..

but now I'm so proud that
my eyelashes grow like that

because i don't have to put
mascara and eyeliner to make
my eyelashes long

because that's how it is
hahahahah! XD

* I edited the color
of my eyes, it looks stupid*

Real color brown... ('· ω · `)

VODKAA!~ ☆'m off..
~♪see you again♪~

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

American Cake

It looks colorful and so sweet>
but it's yummy!

I love CAKES!

I want to make a colorful
cakes someday
and a Hello Kitty cake too! ♥

I'm good at cooking
but my sister is like
but the truth is
i have the talent to make
the food taste good!

☆demon update from Ryo

VODKAA!~ ☆'m off..
~♪see you again♪~

Monday, April 26, 2010

I love taking pictures!

Ah! I love this church ♥

Promise, I'm in a city..
heheh! (* ̄∇ ̄*)

Me and my Sister (=^ー^)

Stepping on a crunchy leaf!

* This is the result of my wild taking
pictures thing.. LOL
Yay! it's not blurry..
I love nature!

☆demon update from Ryo

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Paint it White OST

English Translation~

Someone is calling,
They’re calling me
Alright, leave it to me; let’s go
More! More!

To the east and to the west
I’ll keep running
If you desire it too,
Then come and I’ll pet you

That’s right, if fighting is your only option
Then that’s what you’ll have to do
The awesome me's the most supreme! The strongest!
The one who gets the last laugh, yeah!
Is me! It’s been decided!

Thank you!
The best! The most fearsome!
You guys can praise me
I’ll show you my massive dream
A succession of victories for sure!

Alone in my room
I’ll write it today too
I’ll write a memorial of the awesome me
More! More!

Hey little bird chirp for my sake
It will heal me; Niyo niyo!

This is bad, a panda that will bring happiness
I won’t be fooled

The awesome me will show up! Burn it up!
I’ll do whatever I want and I’ll do it violently
Old man, please be watching-!

My God!
In a pinch! Punch!
Sometimes even a warrior starts shaking
(...I’ll leave things at this point)
A reverse in the situation, I’m going to be hasty!

All of the maps will someday be in my hands...
I’ll laugh as I run through

That’s right, it’s not because I’m weak
It’s because I’m too strong

The awesome me's the most supreme! The strongest!
The one who gets the last laugh, yeah!
Is me! It’s been decided

Thank you!
Everyone! Come here!
Let’s exchange our email addresses
Being alone is too much fun
Everything will be in these hands! Just you wait!
A succession of victories for sure!

(Watch over me please, Father Fritz
Watch over me please, Father Fritz
Watch over me please, Father Fritz)

*I love this song..
I love Prussia!
*Yes that's right you are super awesome...

me wanna KYAA! ♥o♥

This is my favorite song of Prussia
so i decided to make one..
(It's in high quality)... =^o^=

VODKAA!~ ☆'m off..

Good Morning!

Oh! This pic reminds me of
Sebastian Michaelis
from Black Butler
he really loves cats..

Oh! by the way..

I'm gonna post some cool things here.. ^o~
i'm talking about anime amv's..
for me it's cool! >.<>

me want to watch hetalia movie so badly...

☆ demon update from Ryo
VODKAA!~ ☆'m off..

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Top Secret Project!


My plans are working!

Oh my gosh!
this is so awesome ^o^

if your gonna ask what is that

*that's a top secret..
hahah.. XD

Don't be sad i will show that
in the near future... ^-^

☆ demon update from Ryo
VODKAA!~ ☆'m off..

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Best AMV Ever! ☆


I'm super excited making anime music videos.. *~*

It's too many to list.. heheh (`・ω・´)

for sure it's gonna be the best amv ever (Evil Smile)
heheh.. just kidding!
i'm gonna do my really best to make it beautiful.. ^o^

VODKAA!~ ☆'m off

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Okay! I think!

I'm not super okay but i think im fine now.. ^_^*

~ I really want to make an amv of Hetalia!
kya! (fangirl mode) but for now i'm going to think
how can i arrange the scenes and everything
on the video..

ヾ(゚ -^*)⌒☆

guh! this sucks!

I'm so angry today.. >o<
because someone in my family makes me angry..
Hes so annoying..

gya! my whole day is ruined.. argh!!


Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Good morning everyone (`· ω · ')
This is a fun morning...
I got a nice nap.. heheh!

I'm so excited! because today I'll go wild taking pictures! ♥

☆ demon update from Ryo ☆'m off...

Monday, April 19, 2010

Cheerful Morning!


I love you Hei!
