Friday, April 30, 2010

Gilbert Beilschmidt

This is why Prussia is not always around..

Atsushi Kousaka Prussia's voice actor..

I think in the near future Prussia
will show his awesomeness in the
episode.. Prussia fans out there chill out!
Hope there is Prussia Hungary scene
because i ♥ them when they're together..

Atsushi also voiced Estonia and Greece..

*It's not obvious that Gilbert really loves
music ahah! I think his hobby is composing
songs.. ^o^
It's okay i really love his songs even if its
off note ahahah! Hey! It's difficult to make
a song like that..

Back then I'm a Classical Girl but Prussia
converted me to a Rock Chick!

LOL from Austria to Prussia!
Note that!

I ♥ Prussia Rock On >o<

☆demon update from Ryo
☆'m off~ ..

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