Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Hetalia Movie ~ Paint it White

Hetalia Movie ~ Paint it White
Release Date: June 5, 2010
Runtime: 70 minutes
Premiere in Sunshine Cinema Ikebukuro Japan

Original story featuring Prussia
and of course along with the Allied and Axis..

Question~ Just who the Heck is that
girl in the first frame?!

She really looks like Russia-chan!

~Meaningless Things~
Holy Cake!
Prussia is in the house~!
That is going to be very Awesome.. ☆
I'm going to have a tea party in
my room♫!

70 whole minutes shocks!
I'm gonna faint ^o^'
(myself: will you just relax!)
That is going to be the best
time in my life!~ ( 〃゜▽゚〃)ゝ

Can't wait to watch it!
June 5th
What! You gotta be kidding me!
(* θεθ *)

Ah! I hope it's June 5 tomorrow!~

Oh my God~!
you're so great!

☆demon update from Ryo
Niyo Niyo~! ☆'m off~ ..
~♪see you again♪~

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