Sunday, June 6, 2010

Hetalia World Series ~ episode 11 Screenshots


Japan is really weird here >.<

I love that ♥o♥ tsk... eh-- by the way~
why is he saying *tsk tsk* while China is
offering an idea.. Well, who knows?!

lecturing time~

Romano is teaching Italy to be Hetare?~ >.<
Man, Romano is the reason why Italy is useless!
I can't believe that!!

Hontou sumimasen~!
Oh Gosh! Daisuke~ your the best~♥

Italy: Yeah! How did you spell that~

Running Away~

Holy Cat~ I cant believe this guy is China's
Superior! *Why Dragon?*

Aiyaah! China's sparkling eyes~is so pretty♥

That scene would be so beautiful if China's
superior is not there~ ahahah Yeah!
China Go! Hello Kitty is a very good weapon~

Sumimasen Igirisu-sama (sama?)

Gomenasai Igirisu-sama~
England looks like a kid here~ trust me~

Italy: Hey~ Don't bully my big Brother!
Yeah! way to go Italy =^o^=
Rpmano: Baka otouto~
haha *I cant stop laughing at this part!

Oh! Poor Igirichu!

Sorry! Wrong Number~

That green bag really annoys me! so corny!
Don't tell me Hidekaz-san your wearing
that bag too when you went to New York T.T~!
I'm just guessing because Nodame is wearing
that kind of bag too when they went to France~♥
I don't know I don't wanna know..

Yeah~! Let's go Nihonnnnn~


A Few Days Later!

Eyes grow bigger when you're that shocked..

Nihonnn~ has a*sexual something* now!
Just like Italy and Romano's curl.. kyaaa!

Pasta ^o^!

Yeah~ It's Contagious!

Germany! Your cute in that Hawaiian polo..

Tsk! This episode is Kick Ass!
Veee~! Everything in this episode
cracks me up >o< ="0"= Hahahahaha!
When I'm watching this episode I cant stop
Pinching the CUTE characters~ ♥o♥
I'm doing that!~ all the time

Hahahah~ Oh My Gosh Japan turn into a
PASTA~ loving dude too! LOL!
Amazing! Priceless! Damn Cute!
(=^ー ^)

Ve! ☆'m off~ ..

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