Monday, June 14, 2010

Hetalia World Series ~ episode 12 Screenshots

Maria Theresa of Austria
May 13 1717 - November 29 1780

Year 1741
Maria Theresa became the sovereign of Austria
after her father's death.

Her father died suddenly at only the age
of three and twenty. Ah how unlucky emperor..

Maria Theresa's Coronation Day!

Oh! Piyo Piyo! I didn't expect Prussia is
using that bird for sending message ☆

I don't know what I'm gonna say in this scene.
(´・ω・`) Oh! that bird is cute but it is making
a very weird sound...
that I cant describe~!

*A very sweet smile from Maria Theresa*

Full name
Maria Theresa Walburga Amalia Christina

Born~ May 13, 1717
Hofburg Palace, Vienna

Died~ November 29, 1780
(aged 63)

Religion~ Christian (Roman Catholic)

House~ House of Habsburg

Father~ Charles VI, Holy Roman Emperor
Mother~ Elisabeth Christine of Brunswick-Wolfenbuttel

I don't know why? but Austria looks irritated!
Maybe he's just nervous or something..

After reading Austrian Succession long time ago..
I'm always using that line when I'm writing or
when I'm finished in my drawings.. =^o^=

From Hannah with love ♥

Invasion letter!


got some extra guys..

ahhh! Kyaaa~ Austria looks so cute ^o^

やっぱり! Maria Theresa's seiyuu is Michiko Neya

I'm speechless! ahahah! I love those guys
Spain doesn't look like he's going to a war.
Oh! Well, this is Big Time!

Thank You~ Studio Deen
at last my wish is granted ---→ to see more Prussia!
love this guy~♥!

Prussian Soldiers! including Prussia♥

Austria wants to destroy precious!

England is confused.. (=^-^)

Oh Austria! Don't believe in England!
He's just fooling around!

What a brat? England just joined Austria to kick France arse?
And after that France
and England switch! England join Prussia
and in such obscene letter France suddenly become Austria's
ally! Whatever! European guys back then
are sure annoying...
That's why Prussia lost!

smirk.. Creepy!

wooh~ What a nice episode ^o^
I'm looking forward on next..

This is the episode I'm waiting for to be animated!
And, Yes! It's here, finally!!

I know! Your squeling in the front of your computer
your watching this episode!
Because I'm doing the same thing too
♥0♥! nyahahaha!

I'm gonna post some other Maria Theresa facts here
when the second episode comes (=^o^)

Okay! That's it girls and boys!
thanks for reading
bye bye~

☆'m of

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