Dude, Are they having picnic?! that's sweet..
I'm cracking up on what did England said..
That's so ugh!! Guys, always remember this
England is strong but doesn't know how
to make food.. I'm sorry England

~Defeated Austria~
Prussia is laughing his head off annoyingly
in the whole episode.. My sister's opinion to Prussia
in this part is "no mercy" i don't know why?..
I think Prussia and Austria is alright in this part and
they're both cute LOL! for me Prussia is more sick in
the manga, just my guess.. While Prussia is making fun
of Austria they suddenly look at the sticky note that
England left~ It says
Don't forget to feed the dog!..
Oh! And, break a leg..
hahah just kidding! I don't want to be a spoiler
to those who haven't watch it yet so honey give
yourself some time to watch this awesome episode!

Reporting for duty!

Maria Theresa is angry now---→ kowaii
Europe, at the time, would only recognize
a male to be successor to the royal family.
That's why Saxony, Prussia, Bavaria and France
are bullying Maria Theresa..
Of course Prussia is the most annoying for her..
Maria Theresa is a twenty-three year old queen
who knew nothing in government and politics.
And Austria was gradually weakening at this time.
Maria Theresa promulgated financial and
educational reforms, with the assistance of
Count Friedrich Wilhelm Graf von Haugwitz
and Gottfried van Swieten.
Six months after her father's death,
Prussia captured Selesia for their own..
King Frederick II
was a military genius.
Obviously Austria can't defeat them
so it was a swift ass-kicking.
*As I expected to King Frederick II
he devoted his whole life in the military base.
And he is Maria Theresa's lifetime enemy
so this is going to be a tough war.*

Maria Theresa ask for help to the Hungarians
There's a thin line that Hungary is not satisfied
in Austria's recent past actions.
Maria Theresa brought her new born son
(Joseph II, Holy Roman Emperor) with
her to Hungary which was seen as incredibly
reckless. But still, Maria Theresa spoke to the
diet of Budapest in a mourning dress everyday.
With tears in her eyes, and her son in her arms,
she pleaded them to save Austria from it's crisis.
The hearts of Hungarians were moved by this.
And they pledged their lives to fight for
Queen Maria Theresa..

Hungary's Army! Hahahaha~ I'm doomed!
Hungary manage to defeat Prussian army with all her
might.. ahum~ Actually She didn't use any weapon to
defeat them! (Monster) I'm waiting the scene that she
will fight Prussia ahahah but unfortunately Prussia
got scared to Hungary so he ended up running away..
Dude, Hungary is too creepy to fight with..
My advice to Prussia: Don't drink to much alcohol, Honey!

Horror Scene in Hetalia?!?
Ah-- Poor Prussia!
Even in his room Hungary hunts him..
*Be sure to lock your door at night, Honey.*
Check Out the new version of Hattafutte Parade!

I really love this~♥ so cute!
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