Okay! I will just do commenting stuff instead of saying
what did happen.
Well, I feel like I'm watching a children show remove
Turkey of course. I'm a bit annoyed about that
"Japan shows no mercy when it comes to food matters"
"What? seriously~ ?" I'm not overrating Japanese food
but Oh my God! Is that true? It's like a snack for me,
I can't call it a heavy food and it's not that so delicious.
Pasta and Paella is more delicioso!
hihihih~ =^_~= bleh!

The Running Away with Su-san thingy is so cute it's like
I'm watching a love story LOL XD. When i saw it, The first thing
comes up to my mind is "Endless Love" and why the hell did they
have to put it that way. I was like "Holy Cat~ that's so girly!!"

Oh Gosh! Taking Denmark's screen shot is so vexing. haha!
By the way~ I'm happy that they manage to show up some
Sweden in Hetalia, because the past episodes is just Finland.
I'm hoping that all the Nordic guys will show up and speak
on Hetalia's up-coming episodes, And Oh! Finland and Papa
Sweden are both cute ♥o♥! so we're very happy for that..

Yappari! Papa Sweden looks kinda like my brother. *I know! that is
very hard to believe but my bro~ really looks like him* He always bug
and tease me---→ His so sickening but y,know i never get sick on
Papa Sweden's face. It's true that my brother got the looks but he don't
mind it.

Haha! I'm expecting this because I already read the manga
of "Su-san and I". I'm cranking up on Finland's action's.
There's nothing scary about Papa Sweden!
"Romeo calm down!" Sometimes I'm calling Finland~ Romeo
because of the Anime "Rome x Juliet". Their dubber's is
just the same person. =^o^=
Kiitos! ☆o ☆
take care~
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