Monday, August 30, 2010

Hetalia World Series ~ episode 23 Screenshots

Well~ before I start, I'm longing to have a hat like that!!

When you look carefully on Italy and Hungary stopping
Germany for capturing Austria~ Germany looks like a father
that will
going to abandon his family, and his son and wife is
him like " Oh! Don't leave us! (cries)" Lol! I'm not a fan
Germany + Hungary = I can't even imagine!! that sounds so
~ but seriously-- the scene for me turn out like that jaja~!
(Really Weird~ (=^-^)

§~Spain Oyabun to Chibi Romano~§

Oh Jesus! Turkey scared the hell out of me!! I have a question,
why Turkey seems so cool and strong back then but now he
looks like a mo-fo~ because his outfit back then is an added
factor for him to look like a very scary strong ruler character,
But now his in a hood! wooh~ It turn out shit..

←---Before and After---→

Cool! Austria can bake a cake Yay!♥
So for now Austria is a freeloading aristocrat..
Go! Germany you can do it~! jajajaja!

(-^*)☆'m off

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