Monday, February 14, 2011

It's Valentines ♥o♥

It's  Feb 14 once again~ another year, another Valentines day- got nothing from anyone...
hahaha!! very nice... Well, giving guys a chocolate sucks so much (laughs) 
so I'd rather receive than to give. =^_~) Hahaha~ I'm so bad XD
But still, it's true! that giving is a very very nice feeling!! C= Especially when you see the 
look on their faces getting chocolates ~gosh~ It's so priceless hahah!! 

      In honor of V-day, I shall post cute and lovely pics. =^o^=

Truly~ that love is really in the air♥ and it's not blind too. (lol) 
Even people are drown in their own circumstances- we cannot forget a very special day like this, 
and we are going to celebrate this special V-day with our love ones!! I can't remember 
where did I hear this but I really love this quote♥!
"Love needs timing" that is one heck true saying XD!!
Love really needs that!! that means~ you don't need to hate yourself by not having
a sweetheart at this moment =^~^) In fact valentines is a celebration of love-
*that means all kind of loveeee~* 

Once again~ Happy Hearts Day Everyone!! May you have a very Good Night

Love Lots -Hana-

Current Location: @ Home
Current Mood: accomplished accomplished
Current Music: Oxygen

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