Friday, March 25, 2011


Hi darling, the ambiance around my house is so busy right now because of many things..
anyways, I put some new color in my Blog~ for celebrating my one year here (uh It's been a while)
Gosh! I didn't notice It's one year since I started blogging here ^_^ I still remember my fake entry-
I know I said that I'm gonna do the white houses piano but I didn't -hahah there's a lot of reasons why-
I'm really happy that I made it! made it through.. There's a lot of people and things that inspired me
to continue doing this, coz y,know some people starts a blog by posting 1 or 3 entries and then leave
it forever, some find it boring~ some find it not but just can't think of anything to write.
Me~ I find blogging super anti boredom XD

[Seriously, I'm always looking like I'm going to sleep in my photographs these days.. I'm the only one who can do that..]

*My Blogging History*

I started Blogging since June 2009 in some other site out there (I'm gonna reveal it next time but not now)
My blog is all about review- either book or horror movie.. and my always entry is a dollfie cosplay♥ that's the world of my previous blog.

Many things happen and I forgot to update it- (laughs) and I found that blogging in Blogger is more exciting than blogging in my other site. I didn't quit using that site coz I still love it~ It just happen that their blogging page is lacking..

As I mention from the top- many things inspires me to do blogging. Like movies, authors, hobbies, fashion, art, anime and many more, but there's one thing that I will always post no matter what! That is My Awesomness (laughs) so be it hahaha~ just kidding..Another thing- Maybe, just maybe if your puzzled about my link and blog title.. Why are they not the same? Because, when I'm customizing my blog- I picked "The Spring Time of Life" for the blog title but when I'm going to put the same title to the browser link.. it says "not available" so I'd try and try until I reach the "sunflower fairytale"

Well, I like and I'm satisfied with my sunflower fairytale and the spring time of my life!!
I'm a growing girl (laughs) so if you saw some grammatical errors in my entries- please consider it lolz =)
Ryo is going to be here for the whole time- I'm still the girl who is so addicted in Hetalia =P
I hope* I have done an admirable job here, and I hope this continues for as long as possible for the years to come. [cheers!!]

Sorry for the long blog, hope I haven’t bored you already!
It seems that this is the proper way to say so, "Ryo desu. Yoroshiku ne!” (peace out)

demon update from Ryo 'm off
~♪see you again♪~

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