Thursday, June 16, 2011

five fathoms deep

[some of the beautiful flowers in my auntie's house]

I traveled to my mom's hometown (or so I say) with my two girl cousins with some of her classmates (3 girls) and my uncle is the driver (we talked a lot on our way in order that he won't feel sleepy- coz it's looong drive y,know) and of course my mom and sis (how could i forget how my sis squeezed me in the car- ugh!) is part of the vacation too. I might call this trip "5 days Harem" LMAO! just kidding~ It's an "All Girls Vacation Escapade" HAHAH! Fluffy time♥ The pictures down there are all about riding a ship!! (laughs) Enjoy!

This is our first ship ride- I've been riding this thing since I was a kid 
(this is not my first time) but I'd never had a chance to see the captains deck~ 
so I might call myself "Lucky" at that moment. 
The thing up there is like a guide/map some sort of like that.

Me and my adorkable cousin HAHAHA! lol face you got there~
I've been hating those baby bangs since forever..

find me in the picture.. (laughs as if) If they weren't there~
I might press any red button like a brat XD 

Guys, i think we should get some sleep. 

Cool! Giving your dog a vacation?! Well, I think that dog is well trained
coz he didn't bark at all and most of all he didn't ask his owner to go 
to the comfort room OMG! I'm just kidding that dog is cute.

This is our second ship ride- God, it's too hot and we're all exhausted DX
 This ship is open air and the bartender keeps on playing french movies~
well, i kinda like the retro style of the ship though..

The wind up here feels so great but the afternoon is frying me so much (it's hot p:)

I came back after two hours and thirty minutes and it's not that hot this time~ the sea is so beautiful it's sparkling and I love the setting sun scene. *smile*

 The third ship ride- Weather forecast announces that a storm will enter the country 
on monday and it will hit our vacation island DX (guh! that sucks) so most of the people
are going home and us too T~T. Well, we just have a 2 hours delay at the port coz it's 
too dangerous to go to the sea with those insanely strong wind and strong waves.

Look at that!! It might not appear on the picture but the waves are crazy at that time- 
and the ship is still not moving coz the crew of the ship is still feeling the air D=

 Please calm the stormy seas...

The other ship is ready go~

We safely arrived!! (so fast)

Here's me looking tanned all the way XD



Actually.. We've been in a four ship ride but I'm too lazy to take the picture
of the 4rt ship- I just wanna sleep that's why I didn't took any.. 
Such a fun adventure~ looking forward to the next year!! 
Status: UPDATED!!

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