Wednesday, August 31, 2011

afternoon tea was the best


How are ya~
It's been raining here since Friday (I guess) and now the weather is still unpredictable.
My brother and I had a HP(Harry Potter) marathon this last weekend- we finally finished
6 movies (love watching it again) woohooo!! Well, for me- IF HP ends in Order of Phoenix
I will not complain because 4 me Order has the most brilliant ending other than the rest movies!
no offense just my opinion. (laughs) at least it didn't have to reach 7 freakin books~
Anyways, I'm loving curly hair these days that I've been wanting since forever! and I think it
suits me very well, but my mum thinks that I'm gonna look like medusa or something unlikely
so... whatever! I just notice *o* Today is end of the month!! OMG! the days pass so quickly
that I didn't notice it's gonna be September again and of course X'mas and New Year
will come once again! I wish I could have something like time turner, (I'm gonna use it very well*evil grins*) but we all know that something like that never existed and you can't
play with the time so every minute should be use wisely~ be it!!
Yesterday, I felt a chill coming on, I was afraid it would turn into a streaming cold,(not again?)
but luckily it's just false alarm yehey(huh?)!
Talk about randomness?! It's in HERE! ↑↑↑
Okay, I'll stop! I'm a bit drunk- I got drunk on the afternoon tea.

WARNING!! Afternoon Tea Makes People Random .... (Imi wakanai-)


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