Sunday, August 21, 2011


The other days are no match than realizing that you don't have to jump out of your bed to dress for school/work because it's weekend again!! This kind of days was a great relaxation for many special busy people. When the morning sun hit on me "that Oh Yeah! It's Sunday.", I burrowed my face deeper into my pillow with a smirk for a short snooze(kimochii). Then I finally got up to go downstairs and help my mum to do some piece of work. I celebrate my weekend by treating myself a good food for my stomach and a nice jogging for my body heheh~ I- NO! We all loved that we aren't rushing for anything because It's Weekend!! I love each and every lazy minute LOL!!

I am the most happy when I can do things I love freely =)
Happy Sunday~ Darlings! 

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