Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The Age of Adventure

OMG~I finally reach the 'age of adventure'(>∀<)
I can't believe it~ I feel so old LOL XD 
If you haven't watch 'one piece' episode 503- 
you're totally missing out!! That's the ep where you can know what's the age of adventure. (hahahah)

Anyways, I'm so happy to receive all those greetings 
from my sisters and friends in FB and those lovely text messages!! wohoo~
63 greetings all in all + 15 this morning and probably will have more =P hehehe~ 
Thank you very much for all your lovely greetings ♥
I Lurve it!!

And also- thankiss to the people who still give me y'know... despite of their busy days they still remember my day =D Thank you so much ♪ I so so love my people!!

I'm the happiest person ♥3♥ Thank Yo~

"I'm a lucky guy and I'm happy to be with the Yankees. 
And I want to thank everyone for making this night necessary."

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