Wednesday, December 14, 2011

x-mas kicks in!

Oh! How near is Christmas now? We didn't notice... we are one week away before the happy holidays starts! I'm sure this week is going to be crazy as the weekend kicks in. For those of you who are in the midst of preparation and holiday shopping, this awesome piece of cake gift wrapping tutorial will come in handy! 
'starofmay' provided this wonderful tutorial almost four years ago (hahaha) XD but I'm sure you'll have a great time on learning this one. ^o^  


This is the ryo version of the origami box!! *o*
[I've been doing origami for about 3 years now~ It's a great hobby and a very nice stress buster.] 

Anyways, Last day of school is awesome as heaven before the all out holiday vacation kicks in!! It's a great time to unwind and rest our royal asses~ Well, Let's leave a very obvious note for everyone and finish this with a retro & vintage photography(it isn't mine but I edited some of it) that I've been thinking of lately =)) bye!

Christmas is happier when you celebrate it with the whole family.. so, HAVE FUN!!

Goody good day!!

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