Thursday, February 23, 2012

I'm still here. just somewhere else.

I didn't understand what she wanted to say.
The girl is making weird gestures as I walk 
through the hell way.. At first~ I am thinking
of pushing her but If I do that.. She'll fall and
might as well cause a great ruckus.. After that-
Everyone will think that I'm a party killer...

Hi Minna-san!! I'm terribly sorry for not reporting!!
;___; I am in a nasty internet hiatus these past weeks~
DX *Yeah, I know it sucks!!* I dunno but when I'm trying
to bombard entries to this blog- there's always weird
happening on my computer DX! Well, anyways.. I'm back
and will be blogging again ^O^~ So yeah! Hope everyone
will have a good Thursday!! YEY~      

I just realized that life (and maybe love) 
isn't about understanding.
it is about wanting to.
anything is possible. 
there are narwhals.

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