Friday, March 16, 2012


Ask this shit outta me~ What the heck do people without fandoms do with their lives?

Hello everyone \(^o^)/ I missed you all ♥ (yeah, I kno u didn't miss me.)
Anyways, this is just a weird post to cover up my non-updating mode XC 
Gawd- what the hell did happen? I just temporarily avoid surfing the net for awhile and..
Look!! I have so many backlogs to fix.. Issues around the net is freaky as hell- My fave 
anime updating site are having nasty problems and I wanna help- but i dunno how the heck
I'm gonna be helpful to them T^T I can't even update my own life in the net regularly!! DX 
Hell, should stop sticking nose!! LOLX Quit the ranting. Back to reality~
OMG!! I'm gonna promise this ^~^ I promise to fix my backlogs as soon as this busy 
lazy days of mine are over ; D When things here becomes easy, okay! 
Don't Worry♪ I've come up with a new simple design this time.. and I really want to
make a change too.. talk about growing up  MyGawd!! cramming much~ 
I should make a list.. That's ALL!!

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