Thursday, March 28, 2013

Monthly Faves vol. 02

Hello mi le-hentai people ; P How are you guys doing? \(^w^) 
Here I go again, making long assed kind of post for my monthly faves tag ^^ As usual, you`ll have 
a very wonderful chance to read what gets my interests for this month that will soon go bye bye to 
us now. . Aww~ ja` ne March-san. O : You see, it`s all about me and my whining, NAH! just jokin` 
Just me and my previous enjoyment kind of topic.., nothing really much of` shit eh`! 
HAHAHAH so, let us begin!.

So let's start with my very favorite category, Food! *o* 
Fave food of the month is still pizza-kun and in addition of ice cream-san~ because it's 
friggin' hot XD I'm receiving lots of support from pizza and ice cream-san lately ^ w ^ 
That's why I lurve these delishus snack-food-treats. . they keep on making my tummy 
super HAPPI~! : P 

Moving on to my BOOKs and FILMs category. Well, I don't have a novel that I'm engage to for the
 month of march ; P but I have a favorite movie instead~ I just recently finished watching this Japanese 
film titled Kotoko and all I can say after watching it is. . *shocked* "WOW!" I've been keeping an eye for 
this film's online release since last year ^^ and I'm very thankful that at last I found it on my fave streaming 
site and as I expected. . my expectations are very well pleased by the magnificently made movie. I'm glad 
that all of my waiting didn't go to waste. . Kotoko is truly a breath taking film and I super love it!

Kotoko is about. . . 
A single mother, becomes afflicted with double vision. Taking care of her newborn baby becomes
 a nightmare as the mother always becomes paranoid. The only time the mother doesn't see double is 
when she sings. She also finds solace in cutting herself, allowing her blood to drip free and able to feel
 alive. A terrifying nervous breakdown ensues. When things spiral out of control, her baby is taken away. 
She then rides a bus and sings to herself. A man sitting nearby listens to her wonderful voice. He begins to 
stalk her. The man is an award winning novelist who has fallen in love with the woman. They begin a 
volatile relationship. The woman's paranoia and vision slowly improves. Eventually her baby is returned, 
but her vision worsens....
What I really like about "Kotoko" is that it gives a surreal and nightmarish look into severe depression.
 I'm amaze by the thing that I'm almost like sitting in the center of insane circle and seeing a person's 
breakdown appear right in front of me. There's a also a fair amount of cutting and sullen moments which 
I find really hard to do/ make if you were in the film as well. I also love the singer Cocco-san for giving a magnificent performance as the mother who suffers a severe mental illness.  
All in all "Kotoko" is an excellent film. I know this kind of films are not everyone's cup of tea but
 looking on how Tsukamoto Shinya made such normal, day to day kind of scenes into nightmarish
 surreal one is really an amazing job~ I admit, I also had a difficult time watching the movie while 
seeing those cutting and quite jumping-heart kind of scenes, and you'll also have a hard time 
watching the scenarios unfold one by one. I felt a little goose bumps in me while watching~ 
Still there a lots of things I can describe the film that I truly enjoyed it than the things that slightly 
scared me ; P So, everyone should really check this film out!  

→ People who are interested in dark, surreal, nightmarish subject matter should also check out this movie.

Let's talk about my favorite manga pick of the month. 
So for this month I'd go for Kamisama Hajimemashita because the latest updates are truly surprising 
and yeah~ kinda sappy but I totally liked it. LOL, I got stuck on thinking about this manga too much, 
especially for this month... So this manga really deserves to be my monthly fave, aheheheh! I think that 
Julie-sensei did a really amazing job on creating the scenarios and making the heads of the fans go fuzzy 
on her romantic plot twists : 3 Although I'm having this feeling that I already know what will happen and 
I discovered some of her hidden surprises on the story as well. . the manga still excites me a lot and I can't 
stop imagining my conclusions and guesses (of course if these guesses of mine are right, that is : P) to 
exactly happen coz it would probably be super amazing, hurr hurr ^ w ^ So, for this month K.H. have 
the throne for monthly faves! I'm looking forward on the next chapter~ I hope it would be amazing as well. . OMG! I am so so so excited : )

*new chapter release date is on 04.05.13 [Japanese stores official date release]
Favorite beauty product category is here~  My mom just recently got me this 
gorgeous 'ivory foundation' from Dermablend. (← her fave beauty regimen shop) 
I just requested a lighter foundation to her for my new angelic lolita makeup looks 
(just trying it out ; P) and voila! she just gave me this cream ivory foundation~! 
So what I love about this product is. . It's very perfect for the summer hot weather 
here and has a sunblock protection on it. C : It is also suited for people who have 
dry skin (just like me : )), it's none sticky, not thick on skins, and on top of all~ 
It doesn't smudge easily X3 Even though it's burning hot in here and everyone's like 
sweating bullets, it just doesn't smudge! This foundation is really amazing and a 
totally must have, especially to the girls out there who is also a fan of just using 
cool foundations. v(+ w +)v 
Fashion finds of the month CX Well, shoes that can easily be take off 
are my best choice, HAHAHAH! I have this feeling that it's not the right way 
to say it, LOL. Arr~yeah! It's called flat shoes, lol. OTL Recently in real world I've been 
liking shoes that aren't too high and can easily take off ;P These shoes are my 
osm mom` pick so really.., I am totally dumb on this =_='' Although. . that yellow one 
there is being raped by my feet, recently, hahah x'D Well, my whole latest status 
and being is nothing but a gpoy who also loves make up -_- So pardon my not very 
enthusiastic approach on this topic, spare me please! Anyways, just wish for me~ 
'That I can come up for a good fashion find next month~' arigatofu- \(- + -)/

All my feels on my also fave category, Media! ♫ Music is filled. .

Favorite Album of the month will go to 'Love Calendar' by Deco*27
I downloaded this album after seeing the song preview on youtube~ at that time of the month. 
I'm already a fan of deco-sama's music for quite a long time now so,.. It's not really a rare news 
that I downloaded it, because I am already a fan of his creations, ahahahah! Anyways, I started 
enjoying the whole freakin' album around 1st week of march and the songs. . His compositions really 
got me~ especially the beautiful lyrics of each songs in 'Love Calendar' album. ♥ Everything in it was 
super cute, his love songs creations and the way he tell the listeners about it is really cool and rocking! 
Love Calendar is leaving all the kawaii feels in me ; 3 And also. . . my fave song on the album is '27', 
the one that he himself sang ihihihi, sho kawaii! ♥ But of course every song in the album is looooove!
Fave song of the month is Style by Kana Nishino ♥ Who wouldn't feel the bit of this song, huh? 
(the pips who doesn't watch Soul Eater? maybe? ; P) Everyone's like saying that this song is the best 
ending theme of S.E. ^^ It's so jivey~ and it has been a while for me to have listen to a feel-good 
animu song like this again. . That's why I picked this to become my monthly fave! And come to think 
of it. . I've been listening to this song for almost a month now and I'm still not getting tired of it xD 
Style is really a cute song. \o/

~ And my fave artist of the month will probably be Deco*27! ~

*about Deco*27 

Deco 27 is a young Vocaloid author. He himself also sings Vocaloid songs, play electric guitar, 
synthesizer and does programming. His 1st work got over 100,000 view counts (on nico nico?), 
and, in the later work, his popularity is stable.
Deco-sama, his music is like a shoujo-manga ish to me. . Making my heart go Doki Doki and 
has a Fuwa Fuwa feeling, eheheheh! It also has a very in love kind of vibe in the lyrics of the song 
he makes, LOL. For a guy to leave such lovely feeling like that to listeners of his song works is just 
simply amazing job \m/ My otome heart can't take it all~! (\\* w *)// That's why I'm totally a fan of him ♥
And plus, since I started listening to yanagi nagi, an utaite who sings vocaloid songs, covers anime songs 
as well, and also the previews guest singer of supercell band. . I started appreciating all kinds of utaites, 
otaku performers, artist, doujin makers and all those extremely talented famous pips who originated just 
from being so cool on the net world, lol jk ; P but yesh~ all of them gathered the popularity just by sharing
their works on the internet. I just find them all very amazing and inspiring, so COOL! \((o * m * o ))/

Favorite Anime of the month. . . I couldn't pick one but two for this month X' D 
That is Psycho-Pass and Soul Eater~ I'm just too occupied on watching (and just recently 
finished) Psycho-Pass so I didn't have the time to talk about S.E. on my tumblr that much ; P
But my love for them this month is truly equal and I thank these awesome anime shows for 
making my company alive and excited all the time. : D 
As for Soul Eater. . I just started watching the series around February and yepp~ 
I still haven't finish watching it ; P So I'm going to grind the episodes this summer lazy days 
of mine here, ufufufu! Although I'm a late fan of this anime ^^ I'm truly enjoying the series to 
the fullest and actually. . It just became my recent fave anime after watching just few episodes 
of it (on my first part of watching S.E.) : ) And I really love how studio bones made the fighting 
scenes so amazing like that, as I expected to studio bones~ Awesome making, awesome characters,
awesome story, awesome seiyuus (lurve them), awesome everything! (y)
I started watching Psycho-Pass last week, tuesday, which make me grind all the recent 
episodes and phew~ Man, it was totally vexing coz the latest episode that time was ep. 21 
so it means. . Only one ep. left until the finale... I really did my all to marathon all the eps for 
just almost 2 days and thanks God ; P I finished watching all 21 eps a day before the final 
episode got released. . That was a tight fight for me, LOL! But what I really want is... I hope
started watching it long ago or at least just a week after it started airing coz I am truly disappo-
inted that I haven't use my osm detective skills (weh? ; P) to participate in many psychopathic 
talks happened to forums of the fans recently (; __ ;) These kinds of genres truly excites me the 
most and I'm just too sad that time spoiled my addiction and all love for this kind of shows. 
I'm a friggin' stupid bitch for not thinking of watching it earlier >m< Shuuper disappointed but It 
can't be help coz it already happen, I'm too unfortunate on watching animes this month, I guess? /;
Solving mysteries are the main character on things like discussions about theories. 
Psycho-Pass is very awesome and deep anime. 8D What I really like about Psycho-Pass is 
that it has lots of deeply psychological and philosophical rooted concepts. Story is well 
constructed in a way that it introduces you to the world and It's mechanics. The foreshadowing is 
very well placed and these pieces fall into puzzle as the series progresses. (Fudge yeah!) 
The build up of events are truly great as well.

You will see some of many Shakespeare, Rousseau, Plato references as well. . 
Of course! while watching the scenes of Makishima (the antagonist), hahahah x'D 
The importance of Psychology to social science connection will take it's place as you watch it. .

Seriously, who wouldn't like Psycho-Pass? D : It's another genius work \m/ 
Psycho-Pass won't let you down, I highly recommend it for everyone to watch it! +o+

~Phew~*  So there yah go again, my long assed monthly faves entry. *o* 
What I really like about this Monthly Favorites tag is it's all in one \m/ 
You can see reviews, recommendation, just random things, latest things?, and even the 
recent stupid me and such, heheheh ♥ which is hardly seen in my other posts.. Or I'm just lazy 
I don't want to write something to recommend or just things for you to know~ At least in 
this post..  you can almost see everything I blog, isn't that great? Hahaha, I guess not, LOL X P 
Although creating such post is truly vexing and yepp.. needs a lot of effort (lol, who would think
 that i didn't put effort on this kind of entry, JUST WHO!?)  : 3 I still love this monthly faves tag 
and of course I will continue on writing for this ^ w ^
Bye for now~ Happy nye!

Monday, March 18, 2013

Hoshii Mono~✧

My random wishlist:/ Just sharin' my weirdness 

I want a new headphones! TT
coz you see,.. my latest is sucking and I really want 
a replacement now. It's kinda close to getting broken
and now I'm having thoughts that I'm going to have a
hard time isolating myself (because I'm too awesome
to handle)''OTL New headphone, come to mama ;3
I super need a Boracay vacation again, as in right now~ 
My summer vacation last year was absolutely disappointing 
and lame *sigh* So for this year. . I really need to enjoy it
on a summer paradise like 'Bora' ♥ I hope my family's summer
vacation plan will go out very well so that I can go swimming
like a friggin' mermaid! ! ∩(︶▽︶)∩ Hahaha xD It's time to get
a sun kissed skin. 
Everyone, let's go on ice skating (*o*)/
Ufufufufu~ I'm being really random but every freakin'
time I see it on tumblr it makes me feel itchy to really
try it myself. . FUDGE!! I really wanna go ice skating even
though I don't know how to skate- I don't care! I shall 
experience it before dying (\/)

FOOD-PON! I really love eating :3 When it comes to food
talk or just eating. . . I'm the princess! X'D LOL, almost every
month I have a new or just favorite food to eat~ So.., for this
month.. me faves our pizza, ramen, donuts, ice cream. . mhmmm 
 (▰˘◡˘▰) yumm yumm yummy~! I wanna eat lot's of em!
We already have a cam/slr but... (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ NUUU!
I still want my own friggin' cam X3 This is the main reason
of all reason why I can't stop procrastinating~ If it's just easy
to get something like that.. why would I wait forever but I still
don't have MONEY T~T Okane ga nai demo I wanna buy D'X 
oh freakin' shooting star \o/ grant me this wish! !
If you are a seifuku otaku like meh~ Nichijou's summer 
uniform is really kicking for this hot weather  \m/ 
looks so cute and breezy. . who wouldn't want it?! I'll punch
yo face, lol ;D I want to have one and strut it out for the lulz *o*
Holy FUUUUUU-!! I wanna learn how to play the drums/guitar~
This is all Deco-sama's fault \(>w<)/ He makes amazing music that
leaves so many feels on my pure otome heart, fudge it! Playing
musical instruments is one my biggest frustrations but for the
sake of my addiction. . learning something difficult is nothing
to me ( ← liar, pfft!) Hahaha \m/ But I really want to know
how to play it, konoyaro ; P
I feel like I'm really small.. No, no. I am really small-
Wanting to get taller is every small person's wish, you idiot!
Actually, I don't really mind my height at all~ (datte there are still
a lot of people out there who's smaller than me ee ;P) It's just 
for my age.. I'm kinda chiichai ~_^)

LOL, this is not a long time negai(wish) or something but since it is
summer time here ♥ Even I.. sometimes. . want to feel a bit sexy~ 
Please dear kamisama!! just for a little while, hahaha! (what am I? A 
gambler or what) O~O

I'm feeling all tired of this everyday cycle, I want to go 
somewhere else. . To a place where everybody don't mind 
your imperfections. . .