Monday, March 18, 2013

Hoshii Mono~✧

My random wishlist:/ Just sharin' my weirdness 

I want a new headphones! TT
coz you see,.. my latest is sucking and I really want 
a replacement now. It's kinda close to getting broken
and now I'm having thoughts that I'm going to have a
hard time isolating myself (because I'm too awesome
to handle)''OTL New headphone, come to mama ;3
I super need a Boracay vacation again, as in right now~ 
My summer vacation last year was absolutely disappointing 
and lame *sigh* So for this year. . I really need to enjoy it
on a summer paradise like 'Bora' ♥ I hope my family's summer
vacation plan will go out very well so that I can go swimming
like a friggin' mermaid! ! ∩(︶▽︶)∩ Hahaha xD It's time to get
a sun kissed skin. 
Everyone, let's go on ice skating (*o*)/
Ufufufufu~ I'm being really random but every freakin'
time I see it on tumblr it makes me feel itchy to really
try it myself. . FUDGE!! I really wanna go ice skating even
though I don't know how to skate- I don't care! I shall 
experience it before dying (\/)

FOOD-PON! I really love eating :3 When it comes to food
talk or just eating. . . I'm the princess! X'D LOL, almost every
month I have a new or just favorite food to eat~ So.., for this
month.. me faves our pizza, ramen, donuts, ice cream. . mhmmm 
 (▰˘◡˘▰) yumm yumm yummy~! I wanna eat lot's of em!
We already have a cam/slr but... (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ NUUU!
I still want my own friggin' cam X3 This is the main reason
of all reason why I can't stop procrastinating~ If it's just easy
to get something like that.. why would I wait forever but I still
don't have MONEY T~T Okane ga nai demo I wanna buy D'X 
oh freakin' shooting star \o/ grant me this wish! !
If you are a seifuku otaku like meh~ Nichijou's summer 
uniform is really kicking for this hot weather  \m/ 
looks so cute and breezy. . who wouldn't want it?! I'll punch
yo face, lol ;D I want to have one and strut it out for the lulz *o*
Holy FUUUUUU-!! I wanna learn how to play the drums/guitar~
This is all Deco-sama's fault \(>w<)/ He makes amazing music that
leaves so many feels on my pure otome heart, fudge it! Playing
musical instruments is one my biggest frustrations but for the
sake of my addiction. . learning something difficult is nothing
to me ( ← liar, pfft!) Hahaha \m/ But I really want to know
how to play it, konoyaro ; P
I feel like I'm really small.. No, no. I am really small-
Wanting to get taller is every small person's wish, you idiot!
Actually, I don't really mind my height at all~ (datte there are still
a lot of people out there who's smaller than me ee ;P) It's just 
for my age.. I'm kinda chiichai ~_^)

LOL, this is not a long time negai(wish) or something but since it is
summer time here ♥ Even I.. sometimes. . want to feel a bit sexy~ 
Please dear kamisama!! just for a little while, hahaha! (what am I? A 
gambler or what) O~O

I'm feeling all tired of this everyday cycle, I want to go 
somewhere else. . To a place where everybody don't mind 
your imperfections. . .

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