Saturday, June 22, 2013

Li li lately ~

Hello people ;3 howdy.
Super Belated happy father's day to all of your 
awesome daddy out there. . Hope you guys are doing 
just fine ^^ Meanwhile, I'm still working on my MMV 
work and I've been engaged to photo editing a lot 
lately so.., yeah! I'm such a sucker for barely 
updating my pages as well ;; ____ ;; huhuhuhu~! 
And. . . I didn't make it to toycon this year too XC 
yeah, i know I've mentioned that i'm going to attend 
and dress up as Princess bubblegum in my previous 
post but, something really stupid came up and we 
ended up just staying home ;( I'm so freaking upset 
that day so as a revenge i really didn't literally
talk to anyone in my house. . It's like all of them 
are just air or something ; P my sis and i got freakin' 
bored afterwards so we decided to watch Another 
live action instead and of course. . Still not
Giving a fuck about the people in my home. .

Wheeshy~! Gotta say bye bye now ;3 hope i'll come up
with an interesting post next time. . See you soon ♥

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

screaming over perfect not-yet couples

Hey guys ♥ Howdy? I decided to skip a monthly fave post for this  month
because I'm going to make MMV and update my pages. . this is not a thing
that you can do easily in one day so yeah.., I'm making my scheds clear first
before jumping in to this troublesome stuff =u='' Eheheh ~
I'm also doing a try~out of recording VOCALOID songs. . LOL, utaite liek thingy ♪
I haven't done video editing in ages so I couldn't assure you my editing skills ^^''
But I'mma try my best on timing so it wouldn't suck, HAHAH ; P GOSH! So many
chapters to edit and clean TTwTT I'm going to puke vegetable juice with this
but YEAH~! wish me luck X3 I need a push \m/ 
peace out (\/)