Tuesday, June 11, 2013

screaming over perfect not-yet couples

Hey guys ♥ Howdy? I decided to skip a monthly fave post for this  month
because I'm going to make MMV and update my pages. . this is not a thing
that you can do easily in one day so yeah.., I'm making my scheds clear first
before jumping in to this troublesome stuff =u='' Eheheh ~
I'm also doing a try~out of recording VOCALOID songs. . LOL, utaite liek thingy ♪
I haven't done video editing in ages so I couldn't assure you my editing skills ^^''
But I'mma try my best on timing so it wouldn't suck, HAHAH ; P GOSH! So many
chapters to edit and clean TTwTT I'm going to puke vegetable juice with this
but YEAH~! wish me luck X3 I need a push \m/ 
peace out (\/) 

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