Wednesday, August 14, 2013

place promised on big screen

Hello people of the world! \(^^) It's been a while, how is everyone doing? 
There're so many stuffs going inside and out of my life after the previews post, 
but rest assured. it's not always something bad. : )

I would like to dedicate this post on my very experience~ watching that Makoto Shinkai anime film
'The Place Promised in Our Early Days' at SM Mall of Asia ~ Cinema 6, July 21. . I promised to 
myself that no matter how long has it been since that time.. I really should blog my whole opinion! 

The Embassy of Japan in the Philippines and Japan Foundation Manila, in cooperation with SM Mall of Asia Cinema and the Film Development Council of the Philippines under its Film Cultural Exchange Program bring to the Philippines two Japanese Animation Films that touch the heart and explore the true meaning of friendship. 

(i didn't had the chance to take a snap of Place Promised poster coz of the uber many people DX)

And those are Makoto Shinkai's 5 cm/s and Place Promised. I was jumping with joy when i 
stumbled on the post and all that I can think about is.. "This is it! I can finally watch it on big 
screen, yay!" I'm a huge fan of Japanese films especially the animated ones since it's all thanks
to that i have enough knowledge about Japan and it's culture. It is also said to the post that 
admission is free and they are going to have a 2 day showing of the said films with the 
announced time schedule. . I ready myself that it would be crowded since it's free and filipinos 
love freebies but what I didn't expect is my 'going' to be experience inside the theater..  
My sis and I are picked the Sunday sched and planned to watch Place Promised. The plan 
goes smoothly and we came there just by time they're opening the door of the theater to let 
people in. I'm so happy and super excited as if i'm going to meet the director of the movie in 
person! we settled ourselves and wait for the time to let them start rollin` the film~ and YAY, 
it started!

Some minutes past and people around the whole movie theater started to get noisy. .
what's the most shocking is- they've been laughing in the parts of the film that is very
typical Japanese and not really funny at all. D ; Then I started to wonder why the fuck
these people are inside while all i've been thinking is they are not really a fan of anything
japanese and yet they've got the chance to get inside since it's fucking free! Sure there are
a lot of geeks/weaboos (the autistic pips who speak so loud about anime and stuffs) inside
the theater too but something is really off that time.. It's like half of the theater are stupid
real life couples, pips with a super little interest in anime stuffs, and just poor curious people
who are just walking by and saw the free movie sign thingy.. *facepalm*
All of them are so noisy I can't get to concentrate on watching.. I am so angry I could shout
but then.. I just consider it that maybe these people are firs timers.. y,know , first time sa MOA
and first time watching movie in MOA's cinema. =_='' Well, fuck you guys, at least act like a
civilized people instead! The film is so awesome and yet the theater is full of retards who 
doesn't even freakin` kno the story sequence of the whole movie even when the film is already 
finished, fuck that! I AM SO DONE! I'm so confused why the fuck they are laughing on the parts 
that is not laughable, and why they've been searching for something perverted in a Shinkai film,
and why these people act so overwhelmed that it irritates you when they freakin` started talking 
how they get the story of the movie na daw, and why of all those animated films.. they choose to 
act all retard in a MAKOTO SHINKAI film?! When I first watch Place Promised on the net i'm so 
happy and I fucking understand what is the film trying to tell us and all I can say is genius after 
watching. . And I really cried real tears that time but this time I really want to cry angry tears 
because of these stupid weaboos and retard pips who got inside in the same theater as mine! 
;; ____ ;; I'm not happy, i'm ultra disappointed and I want to kill them'all but I can't do that.
I am so never gonna come back! Hmp! 

The people from that theater left me in DESPAIR! *faints~// 

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