Saturday, September 28, 2013

Free! Final Impression

I still can't believe i'm done watching Free's finale! I'm not yet ready 
to say adieu to Iwatobi (homo swimming team) dorks ; P and the Samezuka guys. 
OMG, it was amazing and beautiful and very FREE! and just exactly what i wanted to see. 

(still drowning with my f(r)eelings For The Team)

Before everything i would like to thank KyoAni for another 
awesome work, otsukare~su!  d=(´▽`)=b Good job for satisfying all the fangirls!

I am super contented with the ending. I don't think i still need a second season, 
that was already perfect. At first, i just decided to watch Free! just to make fun 
at the so many manservice (since i always see it on tumblr, lol), but then i ended 
up loving the show for realsies and end up dragging so many victims fujofriends 
to join me in the fandom. We had such a great time tuning and waiting for the 
latest eps of Free! and now that it's ending. . we don't have a single clue on 
what the heck else to do without it!  Although almost everyone of us are still not 
done with the Otomef(r)eelings over Free! o(≧∇≦o) Let's just listen to Splash Free 
over and over and over again first! And wait for the Free! Soundtrack release on Oct. 
and listen to the amazing full version of "Ever Blue" by Style Five! (i really like that
song by the way X)) I also love the thing that KyoAni used the cast to sing for the
soundtrack because.. fanservice, you're doing it right, HA! 

The question is.. will there be another water time? 
Let's just find out.. next summer! o (◡‿◡✿) 

Friendly NOTE: This is a fangirl blog, so you will gain 
probably nothing from here X P

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