Wednesday, October 16, 2013

c o s p l a y m a n i a 2 0 1 3 Event Report

Friendly Reminder:
Sowwy! some of these pics will torture your delicate eyes. . try not stare for hours, Hahaha! 
*All the fangirls shot are always and forever be shaky and blurry because of the spasms ♥ Mukya~ !
Warning !!: Huge Block of text ahead. . - fufufu : 3  
Late post is late, Tee hee x))

Hellow Everyone! I know it's a littie late for me to talk about my Cosplay Mania
experience, but please. . Let me tell you about my feels! Sorry for the super lateness *peace out*

So, Cosplay Mania happened last Oct. 5-6 and next year it will be Oct. 4-5, which is always Saturday and Sunday and also Finals of almost every college student here in the Philippines ; D so YEAH! Great way of blocking some schedules. However, the cosmania organizers and staffs still made a flawless job for making it a huge success despite of these students busy scheds. . ; P Well, before everything else i would like to thank and congratulate the event organizers and staffs for bringing a beautiful-chaos event to success! \(^ w ^)/ And for making it worthy to attend and enjoyable for every age~ Congratulations everyone! XD, and on the other hand we are hoping that you could give us an even more amazing and special Cosplay Mania for the next years to come! Keep up the good work~ Otsukaresama deshita \(+w+\)

You guys probably still remember about the premium pass ticket, right? Well, since it's a great chance to see Reika in person, i bought it for realsies! Can't be helped~ It's like a golden ticket to the chocolate factory : 3 freaking  limited and only few lucky people will experience the awesomeness *p*  Perhaps i don't sound like a huge fan of Reika to you but i am! I'm just not the type of person who's going to scream every letter of her name just to be noticed that i'm also a fan...

Anyways, cosplay is one of my first love in my otaku experience, before i started cosplaying i am a huge fan of cosplay first ~( ̄︶ ̄)~ . . That's why it was really a pleasure to meet one of my cosplay idol, Reika-sama! Oh my God! Even though some parts of my day at the event was very odd and not pleasing, seeing, hugging and talking to her is the highest point of my bliss on that day! I really could never ask for more heheh. It's just. . she's so awesome and handsome and pretty and handsome and pretty-handsome! *laughs* Of course you guys already know that but i assure you that Reika-sama is 100% prettier in person, she needs no edit XD Well, she's not just handsome-pretty, she's also super humble to everyone ; 3 even  to people who's not a fan of her. 

When it's my turn to have a photo session with her, i told her immediately while hugging her that she's was so pretty-ful and i'm a huge fan! then she gave me her very kawaii giggle and replied (in jap.).. "Thank you very much! I'm so glad to hear that : )." while  smiling looking at me. Kya~! you might wonder how did i understand her.. of course there's also an interpreter at her meet and greet session but her interpreter is too busy guiding the next people who will have their own photo session with her.. so we are just like, whispering-talking to each other eheheheh.. and I am pretty much good at understanding Japanese language because of my seiyuu fandom. . . all thanks to that (\/) I became quite good at this field. X) Before the official photographer took the second photo.. I asked her if she's tired already (in jap.), and replied while giggling again "Hai! demo chotto dake desu. Everyone seems to be having so much fun that's why i'm trying my best to greet everyone.. I'm really really grateful to everyone here in the Philippines, especially to you guys who waited and attended this session." and i didn't regret how my fujoshi reflexes acted that day.. I got to hugged her the second time then the second photo was taken. Lastly the 3rd photo was over and i'm gonna say bye-bye to her, but i made sure to let her know (for the sake of her fans who didn't had the chance to see her and truly hoping for her magical comeback) bits and pieces of details that we really really want her to keep coming back here in the Phil.. . and i also added Reika-sama, また今度フィリピンでお会いしましょう!!!and she replied.. "Yes! by all means."then she hugged meEEEE!!! She's the one who initiated the hUG! Hahahah! I am so happy i even beso-beso her (like as if we're best friends or something ; P) before i say goodbye to her for realsies. . (ɔˆ ³(ˆ⌣ˆc) Those unbelievable yet real speed of light moments will obviously last and will never fade easily because i'm definitely having a reika hangover until this year end, lolz! I can't help it, she's a wonderful person.. she will leave you feels like /you wanted to be friends with her for realz but too bad she's just too famous to be friends with you/ kind of feeling TwT *creys* But anyways, even so. . . reika-sama is truly an amazing person and she's very happy to meet all fellow fangirls, cosplayers, otaku in this world v(눈_눈) so stay genki ! ! OH And take note, i'm not just the only one.. even my family who can't believe that spend so much just to see her in person is having their own reika hangover too. Hahahah.

Even though i also entered the main cosplay mania event i only talk about reika-sama, i'm such an orz, lol ; P Because she's the most awesome human-rivaille i've seen so far and she's so handsome-pretty! Just seeing her in person absolutely brightens my day, even without those other cosmania parts, hahah! It was more than worth it ♥ //i am not one bit sorry for not containing all these overflowing feels, Hahahah.

Cosplay Mania'13 Day 1 shoutout ~
BAD parts: 
- i came quite early (9:45 AM) just right in time they are letting people enter the event but then i got trolled so much at the schedule of my meet and greet, thought i will not see reika because staffs are saying the meet and greet is going on already and they are not letting late comers in... I'm so nearly going to cry at that time and my mom was like to the guards "why is that?! can you do something about it?" and the guards said they are just following orders blah.. blah.. blah.. just go to the information and file your complaints and stuffs.. then i rushed to the information and the girl there said "who's meet and greet is that?" and i told her "Reika." then she replied "2:00 pm, don't be late." from there.. i feel so much relieved ~ 

- Then i go back at the main cosmania event and said to those volunteers who made my mind go insane.. "Mga kuya, yung kay kaname(or orochi x, lol i dunno really.. my mind's a mess that time) naman po na meet and greet yung tinutukoy niyo eh. Dios mio! pina-kaba niyo ako.*sigh* " and they apologized to me after and i was like.. "no, it's alright, don't sweat it!" even though in my mind.. i hope you guys ask first before assuming first coz you might wanna consider the person who you will toxic at that very busy and crowded day. It was vexing, really.. =_=

- I actually have a costume but due to time conflict.. I had to go back with my normal clothes +o+

- I'm at the line of Reika-sama's meet and greet (2:00 PM), i came right in time just like what the girl said at the information, but the staffs in there said if your ticket has a sign at the back you are for 2nd session not for this one. And im totally like.. "Holy Fuck people, you're kidding me right!?" just in my mind tho~ I just asked those staffs if what time is that second session and they said.. "mga 4:30 po ma'am pero mas maganda kung mga 4:00 pa lang nakapila na kayo dito." and i just plainly replied.. okay, got it. /flies   

- i didn't use my full access pass that much because i'm dead waiting for my meet and greet session, because i am so scared i might missed it QwQ

- While i'm videoing reika-sama during her 2nd meet and greet session.. badluck, na card full QwQ So i high speedly deleted all the goddamn jokey joke pics that i have already put in my PC and not to mention a really old shots already (probably taken those months and months ago). . 

GOOD parts:
- To sum it all up ~ 80% of cosplayers in Cosmania'13 day 1 are wearing nothing but the ever fabulous shingeki no kyojin costume and the event turned into a beautiful snk chaos, which gave a lot of pips idea to call it snk mania than the real title of the event XD

- I met REIKA-SAMA! Hahahah ♥ glomped her 3x, talk to her for a while, Beso-BESO !!

- Saw Kaname, Pinky Lu Xun, Orochi X at the main stage. . Kyaa-p!! 

- Saw old faces from the cosplay community and i got to hang out with them for a moment.

- Saw Jin (behindinfinity)-sama and her large group of snk and i got to take a picture (tho it's kinda blurry and i didn't get a good spot so it's only the side and she's the only one looking (and Kat?) at my cam *sobs huhuhu *) of them! So FUN XD

- This cosmania is waaaaaaaaaaaaay so much fun than past events.. I has so much fun fangirling over my fandoms and i'm so glad i got to see a respectable amount of fanservice and stuffs there too. Hahaha!

Cosplay Mania'13 Day 2 shoutout ~

- To sum day 2 all up. . It's gotta be nothing but . . 
"No Homo!" ..... "No Life.".. by Reika-Heicho and Kaname XD

- Saw Goldy's face (although he's wearing shades) and he's really a funny guy : 3

- hints` ~ Reika-sama's Q&A has no clever questions, it's more fun in the meet and greet..
Even the screamers wouldn't have a single clue on what kind of stuffs happened and asked on the meeting room and those stuffs are much more worth screaming, kyaha!   

- Thanks to all those awesome TORCH finalist and those who gave lots of BL~hints, Let's Party! 

-  Screamers! //SCREAMING! Screaming here and there! 

- I had so much fan fangirling it all out ♥ Thanks for this fun event.. till` next year! v(*w*) 

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