Thursday, December 12, 2013

get into the x-mas spirit with your fandoms!

*got smacked because next year is like 3 weeks away* 

Hey guys! I know you can taste it too, *whispers* winter break. 
Hahahah, I don't know about you but x-mas break and the likes
is such a good chance to read some good stuff like novel/manga
and watch those yaoi animes you've been wanting to watch since
5000 years ago ; D Of course, don't forget to pretty yourself for all
the x-mas party that you've been invited, and after faking being
sociable to everyone treat yourself with a nice childish beverage like
chocolate drink ;3 Trust me, you don't need to get drunk in a bottle
of wine to feel great.. Just drink a 1 liter of those choco drinks that kids 
use as their baon, ohohohohoh! No tipsy feeling at all, you'll just get 
hyper like someone who's drunk~ Hahah! im just kidding ; D 
But anyways.. whatever we do, no matter how we don't want to 
leave this year or some people really wanna get over with this year 
nothing will change that I haven't done anything productive and all I've 
done this 2013 was become more gay and probably spend more hours 
on the internet than last year *facepalm* Ohmygod, 2014 is so close I 
can already feel the murderous rage for new years assholes! okay, enough 
with the trolling~ All I wish for you guys is to have a wonderful holiday 
with your family(if u have) and fandoms ;P And always wear thick granny 
sweaters to keep y'all warm. ᒄ₍⁽ˆ⁰ˆ⁾₎ᒃ♪♬ Happy Holiday, everyone!

Love ya dearies, see u soon! 

there’s only less than a month left until 2014.. Kyaaa!!

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