
So Japan and Greece starts to try getting mad. Greece
got mad easily by thinking Turkey laughing his arse off..
Japan try his best to get mad but all he can produce is
"dissatisfied feeling", in the end Greece got angry because
of Turkey and Japan got angry because he can't think of
something to get angry with..
§ Spain and His Henchman's Depression §
Chibi Romano (South Italy)

Belated Happy Birthday France-nichan!
Congratulations boss for winning the World Cup!
Love you both~♥
Still France-oni is not giving up with South Italy(Romano),
Spain gets angry at this point that he can't control his self
to kill France by holding France neck in a very amazing
strength, Romano notice them killing each other, after that
Spain didn't notice he almost killed France but all romano
can do is run. *Wheewh! It took a lot of rewind just for
taking romano a pic while his running away to those idiots.*
*I can tell that Spain is really disappointed when he saw
romano running away.* Spain is really sorry for what he
done just now that make romano go ToT. In the other side
of that place too, Romano is totally angry and sad about
what those two doing and why are they keep following him.
He then realizes that maybe it's because they just want
his grandfather's inheritance, *ahhh~! how sad* he added
that it's the only thing anyway he has left beside of being
weak and he can't never beat veneciano (Italy). He thinks
about how veneciano is way better at trade and art than
him and veneciano got the looks of their grandfather.
*ah~ I cant hold it anymore ToT tears all over the keyboard.
Romano's story is so sad~ I cant believe his holding those
hurting. Don't worry you really look like veneciano so it
doesn't really matter. (=*o*)*

*Gah~! Studio Deen sucks at drawing birds!*
While Romano is still shouting his thoughts a
noisy bird appear out of no where, now romano
is very angry he wants the bird to shut up and
stop looking down at him.

*It supposed to be posted yesterday night but
suddenly in one minute my world changes. Do
you know why?! I found my soulmate (hey why
is the word soulmate is in red underline!?!?) He
really looks like Arthur Kirkland ^_^ nah! If i
find a guy that really looks like him I don't know
what I'm gonna do and one more thing I'm not
that aggressive. Huh? my cousins invade once
again at this time their not that noisy and
troublesome but I can't blog.*
