Wow! English dub... ♪ ever since i know Hetalia i'm
expecting there is an English dub, i didn't know their not
making yet because Hetalia is kinda famous but
I can't believe they manage to cut the part that
Italy will say the unforgettable word "PASTA"
that's awfully rude~! heheh
I don't know exactly who are the foreign voice actors
of our favorite Hetalia characters.. but I don't have any
questions about America,England,Germany, Japan,
France, Estonia and Poland dubbers~ ♥ they are
awfully noisy but i think their OK!
I have some questions about China, Russia, Spain, Switzerland *did I forgot something to mention oh I think i said it all* China's dubber is NOT so China if y,know what i mean~ He's not so "Aiyah"! About Russia's dubber, I think he's voice is not for Russia-chan hahah cause he's not that good dubbing yandere character uhmm y,know Russia-chan's voice is so cute with a dark side on it. Jerry Jewell's voice is kind of not Russia he cant do the cute voice he's just focusing on Russia's dark side tone and that's what i hate! He should do the moe voice that's important but i think it's not going to fit on his voice. =-o-=~ ♥! (=+_+) Oh~! I think my heart is broken it's because of Dave Trosko Spain's dubber. Spain's voice is supposed to be Hot but what did he do argh~! whatever my ♥ is totally broken~!~T_T Ah Switzerland IDK... but he's okay for me he's kinda sounds like Vic Mignogna~ OxO At first, I thought Vic is gonna dub Switzerland but unfortunately his role is Greece! mahh
I'm satisfied to this guys
America - He's good uhmm he manage to be like America
but he doesn't have the "laugh that you can't ignore" only
Konishi can do that laugh -that amazing laugh~ :☺
England - About him.... OMG he's totally different he has
the bloody accent! so far that's what i love in the English
dub~♥ He doesn't sound like non-sama but i really love
that beautiful accent.. sometimes i want to make a short
video clip of Iggy fitting him that bloody accent~ ('· ω · `)
France - I didn't quite heard him too but he sounded okay
so I don't have any problem about him.. just be like France
onichan~ Man, dubbing France-nichan is kinda difficult
y,know he's perverted thoughts and you really need some
sexy voice to dub him so France dubber you need to practice~☆
Germany - woooow~! He's a bit in to it. (=*o*)
Japan - hahahah he doesn't sound like Takahashi san
but for an English dubber Japan's voice is not murdered!
Estonia - Oh Estonia if i can recall Atsushi Kousaka is his
dubber too *as if i can forget what is his roles, his totally
awesome and he's cute too* ah Mike McFarland is the name
of Estonia's funimation dubber. Good Job~! the voice of
that Mike guy really fits on Estonia's face (◎西 ◎;)
Poland - Dashi~ He's quite good.
~Hetalia Character's original seiyuu is the best
hottest voice ever that can dub them beautifully (o・v・o)
I'm not being biased to the foreign dubbers about their works
their good they do their job well and they love anime's
I just love the original version because lots of emotions can
express if your speaking in your own language, right?
*the original version is Japanese so we fans first heard it in
Japanese language so that means most of the fans are used to
hear it in Japanese even they can't understand it.* If your
going to ask my opinion about the English dub this is my questions.
How will they going to say those freakin Hetalia jokes?
What will they going to do about those perverted jokes?
How can they react the attitude of their characters?
What will happen to those awesome scripts of Hetalia?
Ask yourself about it ^o^
*Whatever, let's move on~!*
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