Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Hetalia World Series ~ episode 15 Screenshots

§ An Ally Country's lunchbox §


The first story is about Italy's bentou he made for
Germany~ Finland asks Germany if he made his
lunch, but Germany replies that it's Italy's cooking.
He explain to Finland that although Italy is useless
on the battlefield, he is skilled at cooking.
After explaining, Germany opens his lunchbox (woah!)
he saw a three onigiri inside that looks like him,
Italy and Japan. In Italy's letter he explains that
Japan showed him how to make it and he added that
he put Germany's favorite food with those funky
onigiri's. At first Germany wants to trow his lunch
away but he decided to eat it anyway.

*One thing that I will never forget this day is
Finland's smile because it's so sweet~♥*

§ Pumpkin Panties §

Holy Roman Empire

Shinsei ro^ma where's the toilet?!

Uhmm.. go straight right! (*`∀´*)

Shinsei ro^ma arigatou~
Just wanna share that Punchline!!~◘Ü

Shinsei ro^ma's face spells f*ck (XDLOL)

*This scene looks like a horror film to me

(。 ◎_◎。)ahaaha~*
(HRE your dead! what are you
going to do now?!?! *evil grin*)

Boss Spain and the Henchmen's Visit Home

Chibi Romano

-once again Spain Oyabun to Chibi Romano-

~romano will be returning home for 3 days~

Spain: You sure you'll be alright alone..
You want me to go with you?
ChibiRomano: Daijoubu! kimaten darou,
chikushou ga!~ Hmph!

Ah! Win~ I love Romano's line It's so undescribable!

*My favorite part

Oh God~ Romano you should listen to Boss!
Do you know that you'll need to pass France
to get into your home.. France is way too scary
*that perverted guy* He sure got plenty of
perverted thoughts but he's so cute!(´∀`)

Guys~ I feel like I'm watching a children show!
look at the background and Spain.. See?! It looks
like a children show.. jajajaj!

Spain is an Eye Candy~

*Nunca podre olvidar tus ojos Forever!!*

* I cant predict what can i call in France reaction

it's not evil laugh nor grin. Okay~ I'm gonna call
it a dirty laugh (weird) LOLXD*
Romaaano~! Kawaii oh Romaaano~!
and so on~ ahuhuhuhahahuahua
* wooow it has a lot of "H" when he pronounce it*
France is chanting over and over about wanting
(France oni cut that out!)

I couldn't say anything about this pic but I can
say that this episode is Big Time~!


Japan will get angry?~ sounds interesting huh?

-To be Continued-

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