~Kiko Kayanuma is from Darker Than Black~
She loves animes and reading manga especially Bara no Mourise. (a manga inside DTB) Cosplaying is one of her activity aside from being assistant ^o^
*Too bad didn't get the screen shot of her room- You'll be surprise It's very otaku-ish!
She is voiced by Emiri Kato who also voiced Mey-rin from Black Butler♥
~Konata Izumi is from Lucky Star~
Kona-chan is an eccentric but friendly girl, with a mischievous yet good-natured
sense of humor. She loves anime, which is also due to her father's influence.
She plays video games too.
*Well, I don't really know how to explain this small girl coz I've never watch lucky star before D;
But I'm always seeing her pics in many cosplaying stuffs- I dunno if it was real but yeah! Let's move on.
~Renge Hoshakuji is from Ouran High School Host Club~
She is the host club's self-proclaimed manager who tends to be very loud.
She is more fund on playing video games but she still watches anime though.
Renge is a fujoshi (girls who love BL) and she is presented as an undersocialized otaku.
~Yumasaki Walker and Erika Karisawa is from Durarara!!~
Erika Karisawa - is a very passionate otaku and manga reader. She and Walker are usually together, and it is implied, on occasion, that the two are romantically linked. She is equally enthusiastic about manga or novel inspired torture. It is noted she is a fujoshi or a Boys Love fan.
Yumasaki Walker - Like Erika he is very mysterious person. He is a very passionate otaku and manga reader too.He also likes to perform torture by letting the victim to choose a light novel or manga, and carrying out the contents. It is implied that he is a Japanese American.
*Asking me= I so love them♥ They are the personification of real otaku!!
LOL I'mma sadist (laughs) Love their ringtones too FTW!!*
I know I have lots of these otaku chars and anime on anime stuffs~
but I can't remember the others DX(sorry) I hate myself for forgetting them.
Oh well, お楽しみください!
This scene is from Anohana and the WORKING!! poster at the back really bothers
me~ I didn't even focus on what they are talking about but yesh ^o^ seeing working here
made me a little happy because that anime is getting too serious on their higher eps.
Isaac and Milia is not an anime but rather than characters in other anime(Baccano!).
LOL I just wonder what are they doing in Durarara and I didn't know they
are members of Dollars. The author loves to make cameos in his other works.
LOL Being surrounded by those supernatural animes, ain't it hard to breath Yuhei-san?
Animate Store! eeeckk~ I wanna go there so bad!!
LOL XD look at yumachi's back!! It's full of Durarara!!
DRRR! in Durarara!! FTW~
Erika being hardcore fujoshi again =>o<=
Hi Min'na,
Have you ever encountered (i guess- you do) seeing an anime or otaku in the anime that you're watching. (Hell?)
Don't you find it cool? I remember I do even list their names so I can never forget them, but eheheh the one that I forgot is where is the notebook that I use for this thing (lol)~ Well, I suddenly think of these anime characters that are otaku and animes that appeared in other anime because I am watching
Bakuman right now! Why? You said? Because
Bakuman is like a behind the scene of animes. The anime centers around two high school students who team up to try and create a successful manga so it can be made into an anime in order for the artist of the group to complete their goal being a famous and successful manga artist.(whew~lol- very simple to put it that way +o+ but the anime really gets my interest everytime I finish one episode.) So.. recently while watching
bakuman I'm seeing a lot of these popular
Shōnen Manga every time they enter the publishing company called Yuesha aka Shuesha lol! That's the awakening reason why I'm fund of these (anime appearing on anime and otaku inside an anime) scenario again. Well, I know Durarara!! has plenty of it too because of the Yumachi & Erika duo Well, with ermachi's(short for yumachi and erika) help you're just gonna see how does insan e otaku's life is going and that reminds me of US!! And yeah! they are one of the otaku characters I listed~, but Bakuman is different because they are the one who makes manga So~ it's like you're watching a good anime while having a peek to a manga authors life ^o^ How'd you like that?! (^∀^*)
Bakuman ep 13- Looking at that bridge reminds me of Arakawa Under The Bridge..
(sh*t! laughs) The bridge crossovered?! LOLXD