Saturday, January 14, 2012

Distance and Happiness

Today, I decided to update my poor blog.
 I keep on putting this as my official web but I rarely update it T-T 
 I suck!! (Enough with the ranting ‘^_^)

 Well, It’s not really I’m super busy but I cant tell that I have a lot
 of free time too. Maybe~ my scheds cant just fit for the time being.
 Y,know I enjoy slacking so much XD ([laughs] just kidding)
 Sometimes- when house works, problems and watching animes clash
 in one moment... It can be that heavy- even simple writing can’t be
 done in one day. “^p^ Err... (I dunno how to stop this)
 And these past few days~ My internet and computer is being one
 of my problem too. –lesigh–  Anyways, enough with the shallow
 problems and overflowing scheds!!

 Distance can make the heart grow fonder- As they say..
 I say “ Distance can make people think that being far away to their
 loved ones can make a great cause to each other .” Well, it depends
 on what distance we are talking about- My ‘Distance’ is for our own good
(this will make us happy for awhile (‘: ) ...
 Well~ I dunno about you? ^_^  

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