Thursday, January 5, 2012

precious eyes

Today, It's all about my eyes~
Since my eyes really want me to go to the ophthalmologist.. I granted it's wish*

(We can't able to see the illusions and magic of life without our twinkling eyes)

Blurry sight. There's no other reason than that.
How are we going to read those magic potion books if we have bad eye sight?
(that's what I thought when the doctor is checking my awesome eye..) I used to
have glasses since I was twelve years old so, It didn't even give me a goosebumps.
I already know that my eyes have grade and I didn't even felt the excitement on wearing
glasses first time- I even got bullied by my classmates because of the shitty glasses but today
is different... I'm having this urge feeling that I need to see the doctor to check up my eye and
glasses are really trending now so, why hold back people!! I look kawaii wearing megane LOL!
Anyways, U_ _ is the hospital I got accommodated for about _ _ years now XD (Sorry this is confidential)
So.. my mum accompanied me in my check up and OH GOD!! The waiting time is so goddamn LONG!!!
Their system didn't even change in _ _ years (sucks baby!!) I even take my siesta because it's so boring DX
nyways, doctors are good in this hospi so I should stop talking trash about their system of check-up =P 

 While the doctor is checking my awesome bright eyes.. I can't stop blinking 
because of that machine that releases shitty light~ I cant stand it >O< OMG!!

Sometimes we really not expecting to hear bad news from doctors when you don't have 
any symptoms but.......... glaucoma ....... It doesn't really HAVE symptoms y,know!! T_T 
I kinda felt shocked and creeped out for a while when he said that their suspicion to my eyes is
suspicious glaucoma. "WHUT??!" (laughs [oh god can't stop laughing while writing this part])
Man~ It's scary!! I thought when I go there.. their just gonna get my new eye grade but yeah 
it's not just that.. I dunno but my energy went to 50% after hearing that ;( Oh my the circulation
of my life is so affected now DX I'm just praying that the result of my coming examination will be 
awesome coz if it's not -lesigh- I don't know how to react. (wish me luck!!)

Everyone should take great care on their ey3s~
Because without it we can't able to feel, to sense, to think, to taste, and to touch- 
to do all that things without eyesight.. Our eyes meant to see the good and the bad things of this world. 
It takes a lot effort to be happy on what you see..  

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