Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Monthly Favorites

This is pretty much update about me with a spice of a little excitement (for me), 
just a little. *giggle* I'm pretty sure I've done this kind of posting last month but you 
see. . I'm always lazy so,.. I'm kinda redoing it ; P

Well, in this post →→ pretty much ♪ you'll see my current faves and some updates (\/)
So,.. . . let's get startin'! !

First things first... when you say February~ for me it's color PINK, full of hearts 
(that's why i've been raping|using ♥ emoticons a lot), SWEETS!!, Roses, V-day of course ^^, getting lil' a hotter in my country, buying new makeups, getting ready for loads of exams/works shits, Spring animu season TuT, the backlogs are knocking my door!!! (scaryyyy!!)  X P. . pretty much all of that and it sucks! Whatever!

SOOOO!! Number one, favorite food of the month \(^o^)/
Aside from my mama's yummy home cooking. . It's probably RAMENNNNNN!!
Donuts, Chocolate, Donuts, gimme gimme DONU---~TS, amai amai SWEETS tabetai! XD Kya! And my fave drink of the month will be. . . "Goya Everyday", It's a chocolate drink ^^ similar to swissmiss~ It's cheaper ; P and yummier (for me) X3 super awesome drink, I tell yah! ^w~ Hahahah xD There you go, you have me fangirling for these osm food-treats *p*

Second, favorite book of the month. . The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger.
Well actually, my sis introduces this book to me around the month of January but (as usual) I can't find the right time to sit my ass and enjoy the friggin' book at its best. . Sadly, I still haven't finished reading the book up until now, but I am super totally loving Henry's bones!! For Henry and Henry alone is all mhwinnnneeeeeee!!! ♥o♥ Time Traveler's Wife is such a great book to read and plus I really like the time travelling thingy and the drama, and the comedic moments, the very lovely kind Clare, the setting, the, the,.. the Oh so sexy Henry walking around naked when he goes time travelling, oopps ;P, and another plus he is a librarian (a sexy one, indeed, LOL ← I fangirl too much, Hahah X))) I won't spoil you about the story too much, heheh ; P But I highly recommend The Time Traveler's Wife
for you awesome folks, especially if you really love reading novels (just like me) and a true fangirl of classic things. : )  

P.S. ~ Haven't finished reading the whole book but I already know the ending TwT  (sis spoiled it to me) Uwaaa---hhh! I won't tell. . It makes me ugh! *sob sob*

Numberrr 3, My fave Manga of the month XD
Goes to~ Atashi no Banbi by Akira Ozaki! Atashi no Banbi is a shoujo manga and some kind of like one-shot. . although it has four chapters ^^ The reason why I stumbled on this manga is very simple, I'm bored so i tried finding a completed shoujo series and Voila, here you go! So,.. atashi no banbi has a very simple plot and just your typical shoujo manga, but what gets my interest on reading it is because of the smart-stupid, clever-yankee, kind of relationship between the main characters, so cute! ♥ And... I prefer reading stories. . especially stories like this~ from a guy' perspective. . Atashi no Banbi is really awesome, it really fits on my style and it's not super sappy like other shoujo-shit manga series out there so,.. I really recommend this manga for you to check out. \o/

Number 4, media category!
I love this category because I'm the girl who freaking love music (like,.. I wanna live on the song, i wanna become part of the lyrics) and for me it's like another way of expressing my emotions or if I just wanna have some good feels at the moment, heheh ; P There are times that I can't choose any right way/words to express my feeling but amazingly songs/music can do it for me ^^ I can't live without listening to a song in a day \m/ hahaha, music freak I am~

fave artist of the month goes to. . . Miss Nagi Yanagi aka Gazelle (her utaite alias)
I'm lovin' her voice on piano leaded songs she's been singing. . It sounds like a lullaby ♪
Nagi Yanagi never fails to amaze me with her very versatile voice.. (that's for a very long time now) : )

fave music to listen to' of the month goes to~ Kawaii genre \^u^/
Ehehehe. . i dunno what to call on this but here's my playlist ♪ moe-moe play!
Hahahah XD So there you have it. . I listen a lot on that kind of selection of music, it's very weird of me but I find really cute x3 well,.. when I get tired of it.. I switch back on playing my nagi yanagi playlist ; P

Moving on to Numbahhh 5, Fave beauty products of the month ♥
I'm totally lovin' my Fashion 21 Two-cake powder coz it comes into super great matching color and toning on my skin, really awesome powder. 

\m/ I'm also loving the 'mori girl' makeup styles, which is going to a more fresher, brighter, natural look with a touch of a very feminine/lady-like aura. . And Oh!
since I have bangs and my hair is still a bit shorter, I always volumize it up using my flat iron or just some weird hair tricks that I also got from the net~ (\/)

Sixth, Fashion finds of the month \m/

I'm an unpredictable chic so, . . my style is always always changing, 
in a very cool way (hahah, so narcissistic X P) \m/!

Black framed eyeglasses are still the best trending for my face, I guess?

I never get tired of wearing black frames. . especially now~  now that my hairstyle is so like fitting to it and plus. . the color is really friendly coz it's not choosing any dress color or some other annoying shit like red frames do to its user.. too bad, ;____; I'm gonna use a rounded blue frame this upcoming summer. Black framed eyeglasses are still my best pick tho, hahah! \m/

moving to the clothing and othersss. .
I super really wanna go try that here.. In the Phil. i mean, go walking around like a boss while wearing my best japanese seifuku outfit ^o^ Man, that would definitely kick some ass! I've been dying for months now because of that seifuku thingy. . Like I really really wanted to wear that seifuku outside like usual clothes so bad here BUTTTT!! In this stupid society? No thank you desu, I'll just go practice to have more patience from now on. Well, into the bright side. . I still have my 'fashion picks' for this month and it goes to. . 
Fairy-kei fashion style, thanks to the lovely Pamyurin!! ♥

I'm super loving the fairy-kei styles right now, the mix and matching wonderful colors to amazing styles are my best fashion taste now :)) OMG! I gotta have lots of stockings, kawaii shirts, pastel color wigs, cute accessories now~ =^w^= KYAAAaaa!! (runs to the greenhills, heheh)) I'm telling you, this kind of fashion style can't be tamed by anyone so,.. back of to the people who think it's exaggerated, booo booo!! Hahahah X333

YAY! Number 7, Favorite anime and other Japanese stuffs of the month =*w*=
Here we are on my truly favorite category \m/ J-pop culture and Animes are the best!
I'm currently watching Baka to Test, Soul Eater, Gintama (as usual), and Kuro no Onna Kyoushi (j-drama series), handling these shows since month of Feb. up until now, yeah I'm slow. =_=

fave female character of the month goes to. . . . Maka Albarn of Soul Eater \o/
What i love about this chic is. . her SHOES! I super super want her shoes and the scythe(which is soul) also \m/ Hahaha, of course I love her chara. bc she's cool and awesome all the way X3 fighting on mobs like nothing to her and her teamwork with soul is awesome as well \m/ But I still love her style the most, Hahahah XD

fave male character of the month goes to~ Yoshi Akihisa from Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu!
OMG! This character owns me now ;3 aside from the fact that he is voiced by the very osm
Shimono-senpai. . This character is truly a kawawii idiot! I super love Yoshi bc he's being maltreated
on a super fucking funny way in that anime show \m/ I love how shimono-senpai voiced him on those
kind of scenes,.. he is a real kawaii and a gentle person (though an idiot), Hahahah!! X'D

my fave OTP of the month will probably be. . . hachiya X haruko of Atashi no Banbi!
Those two are just freaking cute together ♥w♥ They are cute, I'm tellin' ya XD
I had to restrain myself from fangirling now coz this post is getting really longer now, hahaha!


Well, there you have it! My long-assed monthly faves, just like yer monthly period wahahaha \m/
confession time: I really don't like talking. . (hey, do you believe me?)
LOL, I always ran out of words to say but if you give me a topic. . I'd probably won't shut the hell up.

This post is highly based on Ms. Michelle Phan's Monthly Favorites video~ michelle is really an awesome person. . she gave me an idea on what to blog when i can't think of anything, LOL! All thanks to her I hafta do this again next month, mendoukusai!!

My monthly favorites, guys OMG!! I love you all~ I will still bring you to the next month XD
Let's go!!

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