Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Monthly Favorites vol. 04

Hello people! So..., It's time for another round of 
my monthly faves ♥ Hmm.. so.., without much further ado// 
Let's keep going to my monthly faves*~p^))/♪

Fave food = Loaded by 
As usual. . The reason is because "Damn! I've been eating
this thing a lot lately~" kind of attitude of mine ; P
So.., loaded for my lovelies :3 that goes for my monthly fave
food XDD not to mention it's really delicious, eheheheh!
Fave Manga = Hibi Chouchou 

I've seen this manga months and months ago but since I'm not really
into a not one-shot manga story~ I let this one pass since it's stil ongoing ^^''
Until I saw this video on YT. .

Since I've mentioned it to you guys (to my previous monthly fave post) that I
really like that song ♪ you already have an Idea why did I give it another try ; P
Uhm.., So hibi chouchou is a shoujo manga (I mostly read shoujo manga so if
you're not really a fan of shoujo stuffs. . you can skip this one ^_^) but as usual
it's my kind of shoujo. . not too cheesy, not to cliche ★~(◡‿◕✿) And it's really
an interesting read because the story is kinda slow paced but you'll always
get excited what's going to happen next chapter. . too bad I've read all the available
chaps. too so.., I'm a bit sad that I have to farm the next chapters again~ But that's
alright \m/ I'll just wait and read some one-shots so I won't get  bored ; P
The main characters in the story are so adorable and so freakishly compatible to
each other so, yeah*~ I'm pretty excited on what's going to happen
chapter by chapter =^w^=

Fave Beauty product = Nichido Matte lip stick

My fave part of make up is when putting the lip stick on ; P especially if
I'm watching a really hardcore makeup tutorials..~ because that's
where the part I'm really proud of myself I can properly do it to mah
face XD In my opinion, lip sticks are the key to a big transformation*~
especially when you put a make up and you just know nothing about
it ^^ adding a good matching type of lip stick to your lips will really
do the job (\/) So for ladies out there who's just out trying something
new~! Matte lip stick is for you ✿ It's just kinda heavy for a start and
not really easy to tame but It's a good type, I promise : ) It's my fave
type of lip stick also \m/

Fashion finds of the month = sheer things

I gotta blame the hot weather in this burning fire nation place of mine!
I mean for christ sake this place never gets cold, even just for a bit *sigh*
So, i'm always digging to a set of fashion statement that is not to heavy
looking and a very comfortable every month. Sometimes I just wanna go
gpoy all over but I dunno.. I easily get bored even by just looking
at myself so yeah ♥ i ended up styling all the way, I might be a stylist or a
fashion guru in my past life ; P So yeah-! Sheer fabric are my kind of fashion
for the month of May because it's freaking hot.. but I still manage to look very
summery hippie, I think? ;P

Fave Album = Aimai Elegy by Deco*27

Aimai Elegy is Deco*27's 3rd Album, it contains 14 tracks . . . and Miraise is
the first song that got me all addicted*~ So, it makes me dig for more
Aimai Elegy songs XDD The title of the album is a track itself... To be honest,
Aimai Elegy is a very different powerful song compared to how I'm always
describing Deco and his fuwa fuwa works~ But ever since. . I loved all Deco
compositions because of it's meaning and his other works are just too relatable
and the others are just too kawaii ♪ It will be such a shame if you miss out 
such  a cute clever song, lol! So probably*~ 
you will see more and more dose
of DecoNiina in this blog because yeah \m/ I really love him, he is the one who
truly introduced the vocaloid world, VOCALOID music, and other types of doujins
in the Japan cyber life to me XDD He is my vocal-hero, Hahah! Yeah- I'm a such
a fan*~ I kno, I'll staph now ; P 

Fave Anime = Tokyo Magnitude 8.0

Tokyo Magnitude 8.0 is the most sad anime I have ever seen in my entire
animu watching life.. This show can't be compared to AnoHana, Clannad,
Angel Beats and other sad animes.. Why? Because tokyo magnitude is just
very realistic and emotional.
 A fiction can sometimes become so real, I see
myself becoming shocked all over in some parts of watching this anime~ as if
it's a real life event converted into animation. It was a different experience, 
the earthquake and the reactions of the characters are so genuine! I felt like
I'm watching a drama series of 3 people trying to make it home and see their
families after the events >': It was so dramatic and sad, I've never felt so
excited to watch an anime character to completely able to go home and reunite
with their families again, huhuhu ; _____ ; This animu has more story to tell, 
it's very deep, informative, and inspirational, it's probably one of My best sad
anime! It's gonna be my number one on "I cried watching an anime" list of mine.
This animu is brilliant work of art and plus, studio Bones made this so it's probably
a good watch, but nevertheless.. I highly recommend you to watch this show for
a new experience that does not disappoint. 

Fave Male Anime character = Gareki (Karneval)

So my favorite male character of the month will be Gareki from anime
Karneval! You don't know but I'm a big seiyuu fan ever since seiyuu fans
multiplied in the internet machine ; P I like Gareki because he is voiced by Hiro-C
but~! I like his character the most because it's a tsundere, don't get me wrong . . 
I don't really like tsundere characters especially female because I just see them
so ugh = _ = But I have a little thing for tsundere guys, because tsundere guys 
are yummm ლ(́◉◞౪◟◉‵ლ) YEAH! And don't you know that Hiro-C is actually a 
tsundere type na hito desu dakara. . . It's a piece of cake for him to voice this 
kind of hawty, and DAMN! my Yaoi sensses are tingling ever since I started watching
Karneval~ there are so many canon shppings in the show*~ I'm gonna die! Please,
just make this sweet pairings a certified one so we fangirls can properly have
conduct our parteh parteh \m/ Hahah anyways, It's just Yeah ♥ I'm having lots
of frozen fantasies lately about this kyara, so..., He made into my fave male
character, heheh ; P I love Gareki, HAHAH!   

Fave Female Anime character = Nakamura Sawa

If you are an Aku no Hana fan like me, you can probably get my point but if you
are not an Aku no Hana you can just go away with this one. . I want this to be 
untouched, HAHAH! Nakamura Sawa is my fave fem. kyara  because aside being
so like me, lol just kidding! Aside from being such a cool psychotic character. . 
I find her character very brillianly bored to her life just to go overboard~ Man,
she just did! She did destroy the whole shit of Kasuga's life and for me she should
have been accepting tons of random awards right now \m/ I mean, she's the one
to blame why did Kasuga go full retard and become such a shit-eater like that~
But in the bright side she also knew that she's just being selfish, all of them are
just being selfish. . That they've been doing all this flowers/of/evil shitty thing. . She
admits this too~  that even though no matter how she ran and ran and escape
to her reality she wouldn't really find a way out.. after all she's just a shit-eater
as well.. *sigh* I dunno where the fuck did the mangaka get this kind of brilliant
bullshit but yeah! I really like this one and it's not even a shoujo manga but I can
totally relate, especially to Nakamura's character.. Y'know, we all have this kind
of flowers of evil in our mind. . Everyone in this damn scary world has it!
It's just sometimes you just have to go with the flow~  

Random Find = Headband with dangling feathers 

I got this accessory from my last vacation in Boracay ♥ Actually
this stuffs is not really in my list to buy but since the thing that I really want
in that fairy-kei shop is standing just in the same exact prize with this one. .
=_= And plus that stuff is really a random stuff~ I mean I dunno where can
I really use it.. So.., my sis and I decided to buy one instead ; 3 So~ this is
for my random finds \m/  

LOL, pardon my lazy blogging everyone - _ -)/
I'm handling so many pages lately so.., I'm not really fully here~
I'm still saving posties and stuffs for these damn pages of mine so I
can fool other stuffs around. .   and Fuuuudge ;; _____ ;; I'm going to
make another posting sched for them again, huhuhuhuhu~ Okay-
I'll see you guys in a bit but for now It's my bye-bye *wink*

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