Friday, May 17, 2013

the flowers of evil (oshimi shuzo)

I just finished reading all the available chapters of Aku no Hana manga. . . And all I can
say is~ I've never ever gasp while reading a manga in my entire life before ; P LOL 
And thanks to Aku no Hana, you can compare my face to patrick star now, HAHAH! !
I didn't have that reaction because i sympathizes Takao or anything. . (but after reading 
chapter 45 all my heart goes to him~ bc he really needs something like that. . although 
it's kinda fake but he's starting all over again at least : 3 I pity him *i wanna eat the chapter*
Sorry bout' the spoilers. . I just couldn't help myself ; ____ ; [fyi- that girl is not nakamura])
The flow of Aku no Hana's story is truly magnificent and will leave you gasping in some of
its parts while reading, so freakin' cool~ you'll get addicted to it ; P (i dunno bout' chu~?
but that was my opinion tho (\/))

Honestly, I just had an interest on reading the manga because I couldn't stand the epicly
fugleh character designs of the animated series. All I know is~ it was some kind of''
pre-rotoscoped animation. . 

 [Before rotoscoping]

where you gonna act the scenarios first before editing it and
putting into some kind of animation like aku no hana is giving us. . ((still fucked up tho!))
[another example of the rotoscoping thingy X3 Breeze and Heavenly Star]
Srsly, that anime should stick on how it looks in the manga~ Nakamura is so pretty in the
manga while in the anime. . she just look like a complete psycho who's just bored to death
at home~! Fudge NUUU щ(ಠ益ಠщ)

At first. . I'm having a trouble with myself if I'm going to drop or continue watching the
shit since the characters are just fuglies to the core, *laughing* but I had a thought in
myself that I should give this thing a chance specially it already made an impact to the
anime fans on it's very first ep. . since the story is promising but I still think that the
animation is damned /; I finished on I'm just going to read the manga of this anime for
a while *sigh of relief* =_= . . But I didn't expect that I'm going to be hooked on the
story so much T^T I finished all the available chaps. in just few days and now I'm hanging.
ZETSUBOUSHITA (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻! ! I've heard from the other fans that this manga is so
fuckin` slow on UD so. . Honestly. . I'm back on watching the crapitty >': But in a more
brighter side I will have that chance to look at their pretty fucked up facial reactions. .
Epicly hilarious and good one at that, I'm telling you *evil laughs*

HAHAHAH, sometimes I think I posses Nakamura's flowers of evil ლ(́◉◞౪◟◉‵ლ)
but nah! I think I'm wayyyyyy better specially in some other aspects, bwahahahha!

NOTE/; Hold yoh faces folks. . coz you might at least pfft~ a little on the next
shits you will see w w w ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ Have fun dechu--!

osm painting skills XD #not mine
ManWoman character in Aku no Hana w w w
The legendary awesome reaction in the entire
 anime history X'P
the real flowers of evil wwww
The fuck! Even this OAO
Shingeki no Ssasasassasasasasas w w w

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