Tuesday, December 31, 2013

New Year's Resolution: 2014

Why do I make such things like resolutions? I'll probably fail this one. 
To health and prosperity in 2014!

1. I will live up to my potential both professionally and personally. Since I was planning to put a business that something like me could handle well. I have to grow personally before growing professionally. Being a pro in something you love is quite comfortable than doing other things like forced jobs, but picking my very own thing will be a tough matter and I have to do good because that will reflect to my personal growth. That's why 2014, please don't come near me! I'm still not sure about it SO PLEASE FORGET EVERYTHING I SAID Kyaaaaaaaaaaa!!!! 
2. Learn Japanese language. For obvious reasons. 

3.  Something Something.. Save money and stop spending money so thoughtlessly. This will probably not gonna happen. But, I'm thinking of giving up my cosplay hobby (just thinking tho) so it's a nice thought.

4. Eat healthily. Drink 4 liters of water everyday and start appreciating all my mom's home cooked meals (even those unhealthy canned food when she's getting a serious lazy time) because I feel like I'm no picky kid anymore if i do that. What’s up with that? Diet is a must for me after the long holiday so I can flush away all the delicious but not so nutritious food in my stomach. : P Diet is no big deal for me to do since I had fun dieting last year and I'm definitely doing that again for 2014. I want to start eating food that is good for me and stop fantasizing about corn  chips.

5. Exercise thrice a week. Or at least briefly consider it. It's true that I hold my time but I don't hold what's going to happen so there will be times that I'll have to skip it.  
6. Take dressmaking/photography seriously again. I still don't wanna comment about this but Hey! Here's a little sneak peek. I definitely want to make something cool out of the dressmaking skill since I love cosplaying and another thing that I'm still keeping a secret (laughs). And, I wanna consider using film again.

7. Read more books. I should read more books.. Not comic books/manga, but real books. It's been a long time since I've finished a real book that's why it's nice to go back to how I'm really a book maniac and start all over again to read more adventures!
8. Write. Presentable blog, not stupid blog posts. 

Now, please join me as I fail all these new year's resolution welcoming 2014 with lots of new memories, new failures, new chance, new happiness, no new friends, new day, new lessons . Hello 2014 and Sayonara 2013! 

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