Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Year's Magic

I'm so happy and feeling blessed (always always) this time because 2013 didn't screw with me 
as much as 2012 did, but I'm not throwing all the bad things to the previews year.. Of course, 
I'm also blaming a part of myself for not being patient and obedient. I want to embrace this New 
Year with a warm heart expecting for new challenges and opportunities! I don't dwell in the past, 
I want to throw all the past mistakes and move forward to a better me. I'll just do my best! ♥ 
If awesome things and surprises have happened in 2013 then maybe.., 2014 will be more 
ahmazing if I work harder. There's no other way but to keep dreaming until you've reach your 
very own goals without stepping on someone in the process. Get it decent, girls! Thanks for 
being with me and I'm also very thankful for enduring all the crappy things I share here. 
Happy Happy New Year everyone! Everyday is an opportunity to improve and to get closer 
to your goals (not just new year). Good Luck everyone with your very own set of 
crazy dreams. \(* `w` *\)     
many good things have happened, I have grown so much, and my life is 
forever changed~ This has really been a life changing year. 
Thank you so much, thank you God, thank you everyone UP until now. : ) 

xx Hana

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